One Day Left....

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Jr Member
Ok, so this is an effing weird story. One day left to go for Halo: Reach. My mom drives me to a store to get gas so we can actually go and get Reach, and there are these clouds. Big ol' Cumulo numbus mutha blankers that are just loooooooooming. No sign of rain, just huuge clouds. Been like this for a few days. And there is one cloud, very long, and thin... and I look at it for a second.... and it looks like an upside down carrier, like an Assualt Carrier covvie style. And I'm thinking.... "Holy crap, that's cool!" Then I start to look around. There are about 5 or 6 clouds, almost the exact same shape and size, and they look JUST LIKE Carriers. Then I thought... "Ok, now that's just wierd." So I guess not really an update just a weird story.
@PieCrazy.... Wha...?
@Sharpshooter, I've never been big on obsessing over something. I like to jump around screaming "Guess what guess what guess what guess what guess what!!!!!!!!!!!!," to piss people off. It's fun.
@kenshin, in a tiny little po-dunk town in Northern Michigan? Bungie Ploy? Definitely Covvies lol. But why would one be upside down? OOOHHHHH maybe the shipmaster was doing ariel stunts because he was so excited about Reach!!!!!!!!
(I am making this up AS I type it.)
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