Parents who shouldn't be Parents

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I mean really...a train? TWO TRAINS?

Some people really dont have a brain.

Wow I feel sorry for those kids.

that son of a bitch o_o i'd find her and cuss her out so bad! id say she diservs to die and burn in hell! ...ok sry.
*sigh* When will humanity ever learn? When we're all dead from stupid people's mistakes? She didn't stop because she was impatient, that stupidity led to the death's of 2 of her own children, who had to pay the price for her actions. In my opinion, she should be thrown into jail for all eternity, or better yet. Send her to a third world country and force her to live there for the rest of her days. Then maybe she'll learn to grow some damn patience. Or some humility.
Leadingspartan said:
You should burn for that. Yeah, it's real funny that a mom wasn't raised good enough to be a smart enough parent, resulting in her and two of her childrens critical condition, and the deaths of two others.
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Well for being NOT Adrenaline, that sure sounds like something he would say

On topic- I think parents that do things like that should not be pitied, only their children who we can only pray are smarter than their parents.

As for it being not funny, I laugh at the Darwin Awards so I don't know if I'm qualified to answer that.
Humanity needs to stop sensely raising our beasts into vermin.
Seriously, were you thinkin' lady?
"Oh, I can beat two speeding trains. And if I die, no one will care. Hard to put me in jail if I'm dead!"
I hope she feels bad about what she did, people shouldn't make stupid risks like that, especially since she got 2 of her kids killed
IronPatriot said:
I hope she feels bad about what she did, people shouldn't make stupid risks like that, especially since she got 2 of her kids killed

Unique Name said:

Realise she's dead.
Also, that is a bit useless, second post.
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I think she should get a nod in the Darwin Awards this year.

In the video the mother was listed in Critical/ICU condition. Has she since succumbed to her injuries?
Whoever laughs at this is sick! What was that mother thinking? you wouldent even save 10mins. if she beat thoes trains. And he stupidity cost here the lives of her 2 young children :mad: ! wheres the sense in that? I dont think she should be put in jail itl be better to let her dwell on her mistake.....
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