Pepakura Designer Passwords

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Well-Known Member
Ok members of the 405th, I just got my backpay for my job I started a few months ago finally and I decided to do something for the members of the 405th with a little of the backpay and I paid for 5 Pepakura Designer 3 passwords to give out to members of the forum I only paid for 5 of these codes so I decided it like this the first 5 people who can post here and say they want a code I will send them a PM with the password for the Pepakura Designer 3 so they can start unfolding files and saving thier work. This is my treat to the 405th and kinda a early X-Mas present to the people who want to design and unfold models. I have one rule to this only please only post here and I will PM you the password for the Designer, DO NOT PM ME for the password because you won't recieve it that way and please no more posts to this topic after the 5 people have asked for a code unless it is to say thanks for me handing the codes out.
Really good initiative and thanks for giving them for those who cannot pay for one for some reason.

(I have already purchased a license ;))
Wow, that's a very nice thing to do! I don't need one of those codes(would be wasted on me) but you are indeed a very nice person. Still nice to see things like this happen.
Hm...good idea. Maybe I'll do something similar eventually.

I already have my password, so I'm good to go :)
How generous of you! I already have a password. But i wouldnt mind seeing a lot more conests going on around these forums. perhaps prizes such as passwords (that have been paid for) could be in the mix as smaller prizes?
i would like it, i would like see what i could make with it =D . i would also like it so i can fold more things without runing out my trial. plz and thk u!!
I want to commend you for being an oustanding Member and giving back to the Community. Members like yourself make 405th the great palce it is. Thank you very much.

Thanks Ithica and I also plan on making a nice donation to the 405th Donation Button as soon as I get my Paypal working again. Hopefully that will be soon since I need it to get gifts off eBay, and everybody I still have 2 Passwords left for those who need it.
Just for future reference (for everyone) I think it would really be a good idea to run things like this past a staff member or mod before doing anything, possibly providing some form of proof of purchase to prove the codes are in fact purchased and not generated. I can appreciate the idea but just want to make sure it's all done right :)
Your good people Nintendude. Haha I would have been all over this but I have my own password already! Great to see you giving back to the community like this!

Belakor said:
Just for future reference (for everyone) I think it would really be a good idea to run things like this past a staff member or mod before doing anything, possibly providing some form of proof of purchase to prove the codes are in fact purchased and not generated. I can appreciate the idea but just want to make sure it's all done right :)

I was just wondering, why not? Is not generosity still generosity, even if accomplished in an unethical manner?
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