Pepakura Requests

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Zaku III Version Zero



The link below is for a site with multiple surrounding pictures of the model. Please, if not to much trouble, need files by August 2010. Thank You.

My link
Item: ODST Drop Pod
Source: Halo 3 ODST

Additional info: Could you make the files to scale with the 5 inch Halo 3 figures.
Existing file: none found.
I have seen references to there being pep files for the HEV suit from Half Life 2.

I haven't been able to find any live links to them. Can someone help me to find them?


all covenant weapons

HALO REACH weapons please

I all ready have Jorge's gun, human pistol, human sniper rifle.
If there are any questions about the Robotman request, please feel free to ask and if needed I will gladly supply more reference photos. Thank you so much.
theron guard/ i only need the boots helmet and belt.

Gears of war 2/ xbox 360

Reference Images


sorry i counld find a picture with the right helmet, but theres a bunch of pictures of the helmet in the link below

pictures from the back are hard to find i'll update if i find some, thanks alot

if you need more pics of the helmet or belt this guy did a good costume of one
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