Hey all! I am looking to try to turn Pepakura files into a 3D printable file. There are a bunch of Pepakura/foam builds I want but cant. Anyone know how to do this??
There are multiple threads on this topic that can be found with the Search function here on the Forums, but the basic process is:
1. Take your .pdo file and convert it to an .obj file. Pepakura designer can do this.
2. Edit the .obj file in a 3d program such as Blender.
3. Export the finished .obj file into an .stl file for 3d printing.
There are multiple threads on this topic that can be found with the Search function here on the Forums, but the basic process is:
1. Take your .pdo file and convert it to an .obj file. Pepakura designer can do this.
2. Edit the .obj file in a 3d program such as Blender.
3. Export the finished .obj file into an .stl file for 3d printing.
One of our members Coreforge made this addon a while back; it allows you to import .pdo into Blender. However, I don't know if it works with recent versions of Blender, but doesn't hurt to give it a go!
It should work for all Blender versions above 2.80, as the relevant parts of the API didn't change much. I don't know about recent versions of pepakura though, as I haven't tried it with those yet. Most .pdos that you'll find are likely Pepakura 4 or 3 though, so they should work.
It should work for all Blender versions above 2.80, as the relevant parts of the API didn't change much. I don't know about recent versions of pepakura though, as I haven't tried it with those yet. Most .pdos that you'll find are likely Pepakura 4 or 3 though, so they should work.