Question about sliced DMR

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Active Member
I was getting ready to work on a sliced DMR and wanted to clarify a few things about it.*The-Official*-Halo-Reach-Pepakura-Files-Thread
The DMR is about a third of the way down the page

1. Will one layer of cardboard work for each piece or will i have to make multiples of certain ones?
2. Is there a certain size of carboard/foam that i should use or will 1/16 work fine
3. I'm sure I will have to mirror the other side, but do I mirror all pieces or do I just make 1 of the one that will be in the center?

EDIT: Just realized that I started a new thread intstead of replying to the Q&A Forum, I'd change it but I'm still unfamiliar with the system

Thanks in advance
if you havent found your answer, you need to do 2 of everything, or youll only have half the gun.
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