question about the forum

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I've tried to find something that indicate what rank you are on the forum. Can someone point out to me where this is stated?

(sorry for the very nooby question)
After 100 posts you will become infantryman, but do not necro the forums like I did or you will loose it very quick lol... now I have to re earn it
I think the rank's appear below you name when you post and if you a n00b there's just nothing there... i think
i was just looking at the elite showcase and you are right. noobs have nothing and anyone above have their rank below their name.
I think before the switch I think the "infintry man" was called "veteran"I think with the switch they decided to
have A change of policy because before you only had to get 75 post to get veteran.IDK but one thing I do know
is ive been here A while.I seen loads of changes over the years.
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