Question time

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New Member
So i have a question for all you builders, what music do you like to listen too when building
mine personally is Deadmau5, Favorite Track would be ID_2 as an unreleased track that i recorded from a livestream that blew my mind away
so answer what your favorite music and song is? Thanks for your time
Halo soundtrack, literally. I fell in love with Halo 5 soundtrack + some other Halo tracks from previous Halo games...
I mostly listen to OSTs from games, movies, etc.
Normally I have a movie or tv show running in the background, but sometimes I'll put on some music amd it's usually the same 4 artists

Pink Floyd or Dream Theater: for when I need to slow down and think.

Alter Bridge or Breaking Benjamin: for when I really wanna get moving
When I cut and glue I just sit in front of the TV and watch any of the shows I like.

But when the rubber meets the road, I travel back to when music was at it's prime. Nothing but the rockin hair bands of the 80's for me. But krad2004, I'm with ya on Metallica. Sometimes ya need to just dig deep and get after it.
While assembling I put something on Netflix. Everything else I'm going with Pandora, likely with Thousand Foot Krutch, Greek Fire, or Flogging Molly.
For pepping on the kitchen bench late at night with a set of headphones, I listen to this on you tube.

Do yourself a favour, listen to it all the way through even if the first track doesn't grab you. I'm 45 years old and never in a million years did I think I would like dubstep. Gets you in the zone.

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