Quick Question

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New Member
So I have cut all my helmet pieces except for one because it is a strange cut, it's a straight cut line that is through a fold flap and I don't understand it, but that's not my main question.

I have outlined the valley and mountain lines in blue and red respectively, and I'm ready to start glueing.

Basically.. how?

I have understood basically everything up until this point, and I also don't know how or where I should start for my helmet.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)


- bLiNdz0r
Um match everything by there numbers and the pepakura with the flaps go under the other one. Flaps is where you put the glue :p
imMonkeyGOD said:
Um match everything by there numbers and the pepakura with the flaps go under the other one. Flaps is where you put the glue :p
Exactly right. Also there is no specific place to start. It doesn't matter.
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bLiNdz0r said:
Alright. Is there an easier spot to start for the helmet or will it all work out evenly?
I am not toally sure but I start at the 24's
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I would have done that but then I realized that it wastes time. If you cut then fold then relize that it is the wrong size while you are building it you wasted time. But if you do it during the work then you can tell if it is to small or big and not waste any extra time.
Aultin the Spartan said:
I would have done that but then I realized that it wastes time. If you cut then fold then relize that it is the wrong size while you are building it you wasted time. But if you do it during the work then you can tell if it is to small or big and not waste any extra time.

I actually fold the pieces right after I cut them, and it seems that I save time...I just found it annoying when I had to find the corresponding piece, fold it, and then glue it. And then find another one and fold it, and glue it. I like it when all I have to do is find the piece and then glue it.

But you are very right in the sense that it is waste of time if your "model" didn't size to your liking. But once you find out what scale is right for you, I would recomend folding the pieces right after you cut them out.
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1.) Reference the scalling sticky if you are afraid it wont fit
2.) (assuming you did #1) you could reference the 3D model in pep, find the pieces that make up the jaw and neck rim, assemble it to see if your head fits through, it should be a fairly snug fit through the neck hole in my experience.
3.) I started my second helm at the top and worked my way down in a circular pattern so that I never had to really stick my hand into my helm at funny angles to apply glue (glueing the brim together was hard when I had no access because it was the last thing I completed on my first helm.)
It's easier to start at the crown (bill) and work your way over the top and down. You'll get less warping if you start at the top, since once the bill's done, it adds a bit of strength while you're doing everything else.
Boomer said:
It's easier to start at the crown (bill) and work your way over the top and down. You'll get less warping if you start at the top, since once the bill's done, it adds a bit of strength while you're doing everything else.
Whats the answer to his first question. I have the same problem with the cut line going through a flap.
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Oh, THOSE flaps. Cut along the cut line. If the flap-gap is too big to glue the remainder properly, cut out another little piece of cardstock, make a new wee flap, and glue it in the empty place. Then proceed as normal.

For the cut lines that create sliver flaps (tiny flaps that you will never be able to glue), I just ignored.
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