Raziel1981's Hayabusa Build

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Was I the only one to notice that in one of your pictures your chest plate was.... well on an abb rocket hehehehe. :p

I can't wait to see more of this Raziel!


lols yeah it was on an ab rocket... been working out lately so that when i finished my suit hopefully it'll look good on me... :rolleyes :lol
Even Spartans need to keep in shape. Go abs!

Must say that the helmet does look amazing. If you build the rest of the suit to the same quality it's going to be epic.

Shouldn't your status change to Elite now, or is that not linked to having an Elite thread?
done fiberglassing and painted primer... tomorrow i'll start the bondo process...




on the side note... my pug gets a little sleepy on my door and then passed out at my bed... lol very funny...



le-yo-ra said:
very intimidating piece raziel....m drooling

thanks man... hope to see your progress on your busa too :D

mrbungle said:
looking good, man. keep it up.

mr B himself... its an honor man to visit my thread...

btw. love your odst build. :lol
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Purrie said:
Awesome! One of the best chest pieces I've seen :D

thanks man... but i think mine is not the best...i've seen a lot better chest pieces than mine... :D

n00b64 said:
nice man can't wait for when itz done :)

yeah, me too.. can't wait to finish it... but in my phase i think it'll be a lot longer than expected.

minor update:

almost finish with the front part... just need a little more smoothing with bondo in some parts.

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SupermanExtreme1 said:
that is very clean work man,

no wonder this build is in the elite section

thanks man, it means a lot coming from you. i'm just doing the best that i can to make this armor pleasing to all of you guys... :D

i just love being here because all of the people here are nice and very inspiring. :lol
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Shade said:
Amazing... goes into drool spasm. lol.

thanks man. :D

DarkHunter said:
That is definitly amazing! I love the visor! How long did it take you to make?

thanks, almost a month worth thinking and planning the design on the crest and days of laziness and daydreaming... :rolleyes

mrbungle said:
kicking butt and taking names, looking real good and clean.

thanks man, hopefully i get to work on it 8hrs a day so i can finish it already...

le-yo-ra said:
raziel's that is really clean, better than mine...LOL

thanks. how's your progress so far? i think yours is almost complete, have you resined all the parts?
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raziel1981 said:
thanks. how's your progress so far? i think yours is almost complete, have you resined all the parts?

all my parts have fiberglass already, i mean all(eg. biceps, the add-ons(shouklder/neck piece),thighs shins,etc...haha) just taking some time to manage my budget...

i'll post pix on my thread if ever.... i'mm busy with war machine so far....
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finished with the front part of the MKVI torso.

added a little bit of weathering to highlight the details because its hard to see the details when its painted black.




close up photos of the weathering.




me wearing it.


tell me what you think guys? shall i add more weathering to it?
raziel1981 said:
tell me what you think guys? shall i add more weathering to it?

Looks great man. To answer your question however, it just really depends on the look that you want to go for. I think adding more weathering to the chest would make it stand out more, but then it would kind of clash with the helmet since it doesn't have very much weathering on it from what I can tell. You could always add more weathering to the helmet then to fix that, but I think the helmet looks great as it is and I wouldn't suggest messing with perfection. Maybe you could just add a little more to the chest so it stands out but doesn't go against the helmet?
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