Redtogusa's Mk Vi Armor.

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Well-Known Member

I at last started work on my armor today so I thought I share the thus far results............
As any pro knows :p you start with the helm so being someone who follows the crowd thats what I did.

here's a few pics of the helm before demolition commenced:



On this perticular helm the top/back is unfortunatly raised, when infact the same area ingame is indented (as you already know):

This needed changing(cue sawing, bending and refibreglassing):


Whilst the saw was out I changed a few other bits to make it more like the Halo 3 model.
There are grooves in the the side of the helm that weren't there, eg:

so I put these in and decided to cut all the way through the top groove to make a slender air vent:

Finally I shoved in some more vents in the peak, similar to what MLC or Xavier (can't remember which) has previously done.

Thats it for now. Will keep you posted.
What do ye think?
gbscout said:
keep it up dude,

think im gonna keep mine stock, not too skilled at the FG stuff.


Hehe, i'm not too sure i'm that skilled either. ;)
Back in the day I helped my old man put together a 4x4 kit car that had a FG body so thats where I know my stuff, if any, from.

Update: New pic of rest of armor (well, half of). It's still crude and unpainted/unfinished but you get the idea:
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Few updates for you lovely people:

So her's how the helmet came out after cut and pushing in the top and straightening the 'fins', they look alot better now, still need at bit more sanding and whatnot but you get the idea:


Also set about making the chest more game accurate by taking off some side parts that where molded as part of the chest but are infact part of the undersuit.


after these were cut and sanded......

....things looked a lot better:

I also did some work on the upper legs to make them fit better but that's a bit boring so no pics.

I do have though pics of the hand plate and boot


It's all very rough atm but I want to get all the details done and inplace before painting ect is started.

I must now leave you to be washed down with a high presure power hose to get all the fibreglass dust off me ;)
itches so freaking much.
Nice to see how its going forward with you armor. Looks good so far!
Guess your final work will look great.
unfortunatly not, I wish I was that good a molding. I bought them from leemore aka 'herodesign'. I got it from the same place Sigma got his original helmet from. It's cast from the same statue Adam cast armor his from. 'muckle-tastic'.
Thanks for the compliments guys.
Sorry there hasn't been many updates but due to the fact that I live in an Apartment with no garage I've been having to do all the work on the armor at my parents place.
I havent been able to go up to theirs to work on it as much as I'd like.
"I canz haz tiems 4 doing armorz noew?" :p
Anyways, just 2 pics to show youz how it's coming along:



I've been mostly working on the strapping atm and working out colour details. (don't worry the green on the upper arms isn't the final green, they were just testers.)
I've also scrapped, for now, work on the helm so Spase has been kind enough to supply me with one of his beauties.
er, and thats 'bout it fer now.


Oh and PS, I didn't blank my face off the pic because I'm a wanted man or anything. I'm just vain. :cautious: It was early in the morning and I looked a freaking wreak.
Nice work so far.

I don't have much advice, except that the three-line 'fold' piece on the thighs are part of the undersuit. But, of course, I doubt you want to work on MORE sanding.

I wish I had that suit! :cry:
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SpartanForever said:
what is it made from, pep or molded?

RedTogusa said:
unfortunatly not, I wish I was that good a molding. I bought them from leemore aka 'herodesign'. I got it from the same place Sigma got his original helmet from. It's cast from the same statue Adam cast armor his from. 'muckle-tastic'.
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SpartanForever said:
what is it made from, pep or molded?

He bought the suit from Ebay (Lee) and 'heavily' sanded and update the armor pieces to be more accurate.
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