Soft Parts reference pics(Update!!)

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you all might of seen my ar reference pics.


Well now i starting on the undersuit reference pics. I need a bit of help though. any pics you can find that have the most undersuit detail showing post them here.

Heres my references so far.

The red is where the armor acctually attaches to the suit. im thinking you could posably use an industrial velcro.


NOTE this is a work in progress
No problem, I'm still working on more for the MKVI Armor, and then I'll work on the other perms. Let me know if you need more of these though and I'll post them in the gallery.

well for now i need to figure out whats under the actual armor. like where the armor sits on the suit. whats under there?
You're going to have to figure that one out on your own. Others have draw up some ideas as to what is under the armor by looking at where the undersuit and armor meet on the 3D model of the Chief. Try this thread. He put together a pretty good idea of what the suit really looks like. Also, this one. Hope that helps you out.

wow thats really helpful. but me i strive for accuracy and neither of them have the true thing yet. ill give them close but no cigar.
Durlaburban said:
wow thats really helpful. but me i strive for accuracy and neither of them have the true thing yet. ill give them close but no cigar.

Not even this??
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If you play halo 3 and switch to cqb shoulder armor, you can see the shoulder underarmor quite clearly.
This is what we see under the armor....
There are texture maps that are missing but these are the basic shapes below the armor. I don't know for sure how accurate this is the game though.

As far as making the shapes, we've vacuum formed foam to shapes like this in the past. It's often what you do for movie armor and things that need to flex like this. L200, minicel or microcel foam (all the same thing) is vacuum formable, can be cut to almost whatever thickness you need and can be painted. It comes in black although it's not 100% black. I'd say it's more of a really dark grey. After vacuum forming, you can spray mount a stretchable black nylon or other to it to get a finished look.




Heya, Im pretty new but ive read up a bit and am already on the way to making the helmet. Would you happen to have a pep file of the under armor (btw, those pictures are wonderfull) In the long run I plan on using the l200 to complete it although im a long way from it. How would you go about attaching the under part to the armor? (Im using the fiberglass)
WolfyJ said:
Heya, Im pretty new but ive read up a bit and am already on the way to making the helmet. Would you happen to have a pep file of the under armor (btw, those pictures are wonderfull) In the long run I plan on using the l200 to complete it although im a long way from it. How would you go about attaching the under part to the armor? (Im using the fiberglass)

orry but you have got the concept wrong.. The Underarmor is a seperate suit it's self and will be dressed first, it's not really attached to the armor. And the underarmor cannot be made of fiberglass unless you want to be a standing statue, you need to be able to move in your armor, the underarmor has to be comfortable, breathable and flexible.

And i'm sotty but there are not pep files for them, not even all the HD pep files are finished.

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Finnish is correct, WolfyJ. The undersuit/armor is just that, a separate suit you wear underneath the armor parts.

You might want to trying looking over these threads for more ideas and information on the undersuit/armor.

They're pretty old topics. If you do post in these, don't expect a rapid response from past posters. Some may or may not still be around.

Welcome to the site WolfyJ, and I hope you find what you need. Try and read as much as possible before asking questions, but also make sure you're specific about any questions you do have that are unanswered in the existing threads. Good luck and have fun.
WolfyJ might want a pep file to use this method with- .

I'm not very sure of how well that method will scale to multiple people, everyone's proportioned differently, and people have a hard time enough getting armor scaled correctly...

Maybe a better approach is to hand-make each. Say, make a mannequin of yourself, put a simple lycra bodysuit on it, and start stitching on thin foam in the proper patterns. The only problem then is the durability of it.. which I guess is dependent on the quality of your materials and your stitching. It does need to be washable, though.
23Magnum said:
Finnish is correct, WolfyJ. The undersuit/armor is just that, a separate suit you wear underneath the armor parts.

You might want to trying looking over these threads for more ideas and information on the undersuit/armor.

They're pretty old topics. If you do post in these, don't expect a rapid response from past posters. Some may or may not still be around.

Welcome to the site WolfyJ, and I hope you find what you need. Try and read as much as possible before asking questions, but also make sure you're specific about any questions you do have that are unanswered in the existing threads. Good luck and have fun.

Ight, thanks for the forum link :) Sad to say, I spent the better part of a day reading the newer posts mainly on pep and fiberglass so far as I was new to that as well. (already managed to make the pep helmet into a helmet in card stock so far) Also thanks for the heads up, I always thought that both the suites were attatched ie parts of the underarmor were attatched to the main armor, but just put there for flexibility. As you say id be interesting to walk around in a complete fiberglass suite mabye like hop around lol :p (I played halo 1 and 2 but not 3 so far... I have yet to get an xbox 360 >.<)

Ill keep reading up :)
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Wolf may be on the right track though with the pep. If you look at the pics, the abs and inside of the thigh are at different levels, so if you came up with a basic pep design for those, resined them to harden them a bit, and the used the vaccum forming idea on those items, you would end up with a foam piece that would be exactly what was needed for the undersuit, and then just sew it onto the outside of a basic undersuit.
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