Regimental Patches

Are you interested?

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Regimental patches done at a embroidery

The poll is ONLY to see if CDN members would be interested, this poll IS NOT for orders.

If enough people demonstrate interest then further talks and requests will be made to the appropriate people.

Sorry for any earlier misunderstandings.
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All things like this would need to be run through Division and fully approved by them. Please make sure you are coordinating before offering a run like this.
You are not authorized to produce any Regimental Merchandise without the expressed permission of your local Regiment Command Staff and Division Identity Officer Robert Letts, Asgardianhammer
You should not be attempting to gather interest in a potential run at all without getting permission from your local Command Staff and The Division Identity Officer.
All things like this would need to be run through Division and fully approved by them. Please make sure you are coordinating before offering a run like this.
Its only to see if its a project worth to make, nothing is planned so far.
I want to see if people would be interested in patches

I should have made my initial post more clear about that
This Thread is locked until Regiment Command Staff and The Division Identity Officer have granted permission for a possible run of Canadian Patches to proceed.
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Hi Kaiser! Thanks for trying to organize some merch for the Regiment! I appreciate your apology for the misunderstanding. I'm sure that the good people on the Regiment Staff can steer you in the right direction to get your vision off the ground.
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