slyfos helm

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Ok ive already stared on the helm when I realized I didnt scale it. im 5.10 and about 150lbs. Think I would be ok to finish the helm the way it is then scale the rest down? 2 inches wouldnt make that big of a difference in helm size would it? Also is there a formula to use on his models to scale it like for my first set or is it kind of hit or miss?
I'd say it's for 5'6'' or 5'8'' I'm 5'8'' and 26.5 inches fits me perfect so 27 or 28 inches will fit a person 6 foot to 6 foot 3 inches.
AoBfrost said:
I'd say it's for 5'6'' or 5'8'' I'm 5'8'' and 26.5 inches fits me perfect so 27 or 28 inches will fit a person 6 foot to 6 foot 3 inches.

I think Ill just scale it to you then. Although im 5.10 its all in my torso. My legs and arms are short. But would I be ok finishing the helm or should I restart?

Also Ive heard that Slyfo's models are inside out. (numbers on inside). But I also heard he fixed them. Im not sure which version I have but here is a snap shot of the visor. Ive looked at it for a while and if I remember right this should be numbers on outside the the program says it would be on the inside so now im confused? What would this be?
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Should I restart the helm or should I be ok? And if I just folded the opposite way to get the numbers on the outside would the helm still go together?
the numbers are supposed to be on the outside. Slyfo's helm is backwards. so are a few of his other pieces..

one tip is to always make sure the NUMBERS face OUT.

i have a 27 and a 26.5 slyfo. they both fit fine. i really cant tell which one is the 26.5 and 27 if i hadn't marked them.

just think of it this way. bigger is better :D (so long as its not WAY bigger then your head :D) you need about 2-3in on inside of the helm anyways.

the scale is from the bottom of the chin to the TOP of MC's dome.
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