Spartan 3 Reach Shoulder

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Still working on it. High def pep files take a lot of work to maintain the original curves and still be able to assemble it in less than a million pieces.
I hate to ask, but is the shoulder still in the works. i dont mean to rush your progress.
i would hate to see this this amazing work go to waste.
keep up the good work:)
I know it is five months old but I was wondering if anyone was going to make an hd reach shoulder like this one
Guys, it may have been 5 months, but it still doesn't mean that you should keep asking him over and over fopr the file.

Besides, we don't know if he still comes over here. Just be patient . If he comes back and releases the file, then that's great, if he doesn't then deal with it becuase we all have different things to do besides making armor all day.

Guys, it may have been 5 months, but it still doesn't mean that you should keep asking him over and over fopr the file.

Besides, we don't know if he still comes over here. Just be patient . If he comes back and releases the file, then that's great, if he doesn't then deal with it becuase we all have different things to do besides making armor all day.


Listen to Pony ya'll!! If your impatient or in need of a HD file, try the search bar! I'll give you a hint, its Rhinoc's want it, GO GET IT!!!
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