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Alright, my opinion time. Tarkvo did in fact shoot at the Banshee. If you remember back to the old Halo:CE pistol, it can indeed take out a banshee with that number of shots (though usually the driver would fall out, leaving the shee undamaged). Given that the new ODST pistol is geared towards the old Halo:CE pistol and has armor percing rounds, I have no problem believing that Tarkvo, by being lucky, could have hit the already damaged shee enough times to cause it to crash. As for the change in direction aiming for the brute, the shee pilot was probably aiming for Tarkvo, but crashed before it could fire.

- Adulese

PS: Amazing work on the helm mate.
You want to know why and what happened,

The Actor acted as the director said and the Fx people put in the rest.

What came of it?

That Short Film...

Flyerfye said:
From what I can tell, he actually drops his SMG when he gets knocked down, and he's shooting from the hip with his pistol (notice the sound it makes). I don't think he managed to shoot down the banshee, he's just one lucky sonofa.

i agree with flyerfye, basides, i didn't even see him shooting
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Couple things: First and foremost I love the tarkov helm ithica. Has to be my favourite yet. Second, the language in the trailer is Hungarian. And finally on the brute vs banshee, I am going to have to throw in my vote with Flyerfye. I would say he is using his pistol and giving the Brute his best shot. Lucky for him someone did there job with a spnkr or AA.

PS, will you be molding the Tarkov?
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