Well. Ever work on something for so long (even with long stretches of nothing) that you end up hating it? That's what happened with my first attempt at making a helmet out of cardboard. I have a few helmets I've made out of eva foam around my apartment but trying to find eva for low cost to make me feel comfortable about taking risks and actually learning something new is rather difficult. So I chose the cardboard route.
Using templates and tutorials on youtube from Ashen Warrior Props I attempted the fallout new vegas ncr veteran ranger helmet.
I think I ultimately made the bucket 5 times and the mask like 7 because I kept missing something or doing something out of order.
Basic AF paint job, have to replace a lot of paint and local walmart was practically picked clean in the crafts department.
Going to have to figure out how to get the cardboard to not dimple/warble when sealing with glue. Trying my best to not heavy-hand it but I didn't know if watering it down would help or make it worse.
Don't mind the mess I've been rearranging and sorting things.
So, most of the time I've spent making this helmet has been 5% actively working and 95% rage quitting. Also prepping and have a wedding and other life stuff going on weee!
Using templates and tutorials on youtube from Ashen Warrior Props I attempted the fallout new vegas ncr veteran ranger helmet.
I think I ultimately made the bucket 5 times and the mask like 7 because I kept missing something or doing something out of order.
Basic AF paint job, have to replace a lot of paint and local walmart was practically picked clean in the crafts department.
Going to have to figure out how to get the cardboard to not dimple/warble when sealing with glue. Trying my best to not heavy-hand it but I didn't know if watering it down would help or make it worse.
Don't mind the mess I've been rearranging and sorting things.
So, most of the time I've spent making this helmet has been 5% actively working and 95% rage quitting. Also prepping and have a wedding and other life stuff going on weee!