TUT: Making a Jackal shield!

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Well-Known Member
Okay so i decided to make a small tut on how to make a glowing Jackal shield using PEP.
I made this tutorial since it would be really difficult to bend plexiglass or other products to the curved shape of the jackal shield.

You need the following item(s):

:Jackal Shield PDO.

:110LB cardstock

:10-20lb of oil based clay, (or other filling product of choise).

:Vac forming tools. (transperant plastic).

:Glow wiring
(if someone knows a link please post it, I live in Europe so i dont know where to get that for the US).

And now for the Tutorial. (no images sorry).

1st; you will nedd to fold out the shield. Resin it, Fiberglass it. (to make it strong).
(Fiberglassing on pg. 4)

2nd; after you have done this you will need to add clay on the top side of the shield so that it covers the entire top, (you can leave a little space on the sides before you vac form so that you can more easily epoxy the vac formed parts).
You need to add the layer of clay thick enough that you could fit the glow wires inside the clay, you wont tough).

3rd; When you have finished with the clay and you are happy you can vac form the part. When you are finished with the vac forming you will need to remove the vac formed part off the clay, Then you will have to remove the clay.

4th: when you have removed the clay and the shield is clean you will have to make the "Glowing wire" system untop of the shield, when you are done with this and have put the lighting on (Note it is recommended to drill a hole and put the battery on the side which you are holding the shield from, Mabe inside a small case) you can now epoxy the vac formed parts onto place.

You should now have a perfect shield which has a transperant shield and below it, it will be glowing!

Good luck!

im new but i think this looks like a really good idea. if you have any could you send me a picture of it done that would be sick. also what do u think would be a good sub for the oil based clay.
Call me crazy, but a tutorial should include pictures.
Why? Well.. can it be made? How can one expect their result to look?

Please take this as constructive criticism.
This tutorial has many errors in it.

First of all you CANNOT use clay while vacuforming, the hot sheet of plastic will soften the clay up alot. No matter what kind you use. In some cases it will melt. You will be highly unsatisfied. Instead of going with the vacu-forming route, just add your fiberglass (2 layers minimum) And use bondo body filler. It works so much better than clay and, you CAN vacu-form over it. With the clay route your finished piece will be deformed majorly!
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