Soft Parts under suit

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i had the thought of maybe using underarmor and then in the join spots adding some rubber/latex to add that real pesurized suit fell. its a work in progress im doing some sketches right now.

kerotan 36 said:
what should i use as under armor or under suit?
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If you want some realistic underarmor, go to a sewing store and feel the fabrics they have. If you can, purchase in bulk, and sew it up.
yeah my mom loves to sow and she also likes that i am building aromor instead of video games {most of the time} yeah i will get my mom to make it for me she will be happy to help
yeah my mom can sew but doesnt alot so she'll probably screw up and i dont know how to sow and my friends mom LOVES to sow but i dont want to be rude and just say,"hey b**** sew me some underamor im ur sons best friend" :whistle:
halo freak101 said:
yeah my mom can sew but doesnt alot so she'll probably screw up and i dont know how to sow and my friends mom LOVES to sow but i dont want to be rude and just say,"hey b**** sew me some underamor im ur sons best friend" :whistle:
Then just ask nicely..
Offer to pay her or something.
Or just take sewing lessons from her?
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I can sew.

Three years of having to mend and repair your uniform, as well as sew badges onto your lapels, in the Army Cadet Force, will do that to you.

It's really not as hard as you'd think - especially for an outfit. Most of it's extremely logical, and if you take your time and be patient, you'll be surprised at the results.

As for my undersuit: I plan to make a full-body 'jumpsuit' from lycra that works in tandem with the foam padding of the chestplate and other armored pieces. It shouldn't be too difficult to assemble.
bleh, my under armor consisted of going to walmart, grabbing the cheapest long sleeve t-shirt I could find, some tightish black jeans, and a bunch of velcro. My armor all velcros to each other to hold it together, my belt holds up the legpieces, my chestpiece holds up the shoulders.. and I also put a lot of extra elastic straps in for extra support.. those are cheap too. Anyway, it works pretty well, very durable/cheap as long as you attach the velcro really strong.. I super glued it and then mudded over the parts that were underneath the armor plating and couldnt be seen, and that cruds not giving out any time soon. Oh and I got a stormtrooper neck thing off ebay for like 6 bucks. For more reinforced looks I went with black car mats from walmart and then cut the nubs off on the underside, yeah I know it sounds stupid but If I ever stop being lazy and post a picture of my full armor you can see how effective it is with just a little bit of effort and creativity.. plus its really flexible, easy to cut, and cheap so mistakes don't matter.. Basically thats my under 40$ solution for undersuit and strapping.
I'm considering ordering two full body lycra suits, then sewing some foam in between them.
It'd be very accurate, but at the same time, hot as hell
Best way is to buy a lycra diving suit for 50 dollars, it's the best main under suit you will get. It covers everything from neck down, depending on which model you get, you might also have the hands covered, but I prefer wearing gloves, incase you need to take them off for some reason.

Otherwise, get a black thin long sleeve shirt, and thin black tight sweat pants.

Or Go to a fabric store, get something black and solid in color, yet breathable, dont want to get sweaty.
Yeah, I second that. My brother does Latin american dancing, and he needs tight shirts to show off him, ahem, "manliness". Aside from the tight fit, you wouldn't be able to tell that they were girls shirts.
Vader said:
I avoid wearing tight shirts because my 'manliness' is more like 'beerliness' and 'foodliness'.
Lol, it's the opposite for me. I don't have much muscle mass and it's really hard for me to put on weight.
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JoobiDoob said:
Lol, it's the opposite for me. I don't have much muscle mass and it's really hard for me to put on weight.
Heh, I've never had a problem putting on the weight - especially once I passed the big Three Oh.
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iamyourcousin228 said:
Type in full body spandex one ebay. There nice for cheap but shipping is kinda pricey. Hope that helps.
One tiny little prob with spandex...IT GETS HOT!!! Well thats is if u were to wear your armor in 30 degree weather! hehe
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This is actually a good possible answer to the undersuit.

If you look at the page on the link below, this guy has sculpted a muscle suit and casts it in sections. The sections are glued to a bodysuit in position to fit the person who is going to wear it. The armor parts are cast from latex and have some flex to them. I'm changing my idea on how to do the bodysuit after seeing this. I think this is the way to go...

SuperHero Supermarket
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