bleh, my under armor consisted of going to walmart, grabbing the cheapest long sleeve t-shirt I could find, some tightish black jeans, and a bunch of velcro. My armor all velcros to each other to hold it together, my belt holds up the legpieces, my chestpiece holds up the shoulders.. and I also put a lot of extra elastic straps in for extra support.. those are cheap too. Anyway, it works pretty well, very durable/cheap as long as you attach the velcro really strong.. I super glued it and then mudded over the parts that were underneath the armor plating and couldnt be seen, and that cruds not giving out any time soon. Oh and I got a stormtrooper neck thing off ebay for like 6 bucks. For more reinforced looks I went with black car mats from walmart and then cut the nubs off on the underside, yeah I know it sounds stupid but If I ever stop being lazy and post a picture of my full armor you can see how effective it is with just a little bit of effort and creativity.. plus its really flexible, easy to cut, and cheap so mistakes don't matter.. Basically thats my under 40$ solution for undersuit and strapping.