Upgrading my ODST suit


New Member
Over 3 years I have been improving my suit little by little, changing parts, learning to use plastidip and weathering, but it was always minimal stuff, but now I am trying to make a Mirage IIC core armor, so far, I only have the forearms and legs parts, I also got a Boomco M6C socom and modified it to shoot nerf darts, as well as modified a Boomco SMG M20 to be a gel blaster.

I plan on my spartan iii being an ex ODST so I will continue to use that helmet.
Halo Infinite-2024_10_29-23_42_43.jpg
what I want
what I have

IMG-20241119-WA0006.jpgIMG-20241119-WA0013.jpgIMG-20241119-WA0011.jpgprogress so far of the rest of the Mirage IIc parts I think I'll also be redoing the thighs I think they end up being a bit small.

IMG-20241119-WA0015.jpgIMG-20241119-WA0017.jpg this is how the blasters are looking
Here's the update.

First I kind of messed up the arms because I made them narrower at the part closest to the elbow but I fixed them now.
(I also made the elbow pads, nothing to add).

I re made the legs out of thicker eva foam and more faithful to the way they are in the game unlike the first ones I made which were thinner and a bit weird.

Finally I made the protections for the back and the elbow and joined everything together with spring and belcro tape.

I'm still missing the protections on the sides to finish the lower part of the armour but I'm liking how it's coming out. I'm very excited about this armour.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


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