Does anyone know if Plasti-dip is enough to keep foam armor waterproof? Not like I plan on jumping in a lake, but it would be nice to know if it started to rain or snow to know that my suit isn't going to be completely ruined. Or even if you have one of those moments where you take a drink from your water bottle and then all of a sudden your mouth magically moved and you have water dripping down your face onto your shirt? (Please tell me I'm not the only one that this happens to
Actually, this whole question came up because I saw this NeverWet Liquid Repelling Treatment
How sweet would it be to spray that on and all the water just beads right off?! It says it can't be used on clothing but maybe it could be used on top of your layers of Plasti-Dip and paint as a final coat?
QUICKLY, to the laboratory for experimenting!
Actually, this whole question came up because I saw this NeverWet Liquid Repelling Treatment
How sweet would it be to spray that on and all the water just beads right off?! It says it can't be used on clothing but maybe it could be used on top of your layers of Plasti-Dip and paint as a final coat?
QUICKLY, to the laboratory for experimenting!