hi, this is a simple paint tutorial i created to help beginners, the effects are easy to create and look very effective. The only special skill you need to know is a technique called "drybrushing"; Drybrushing is basicaly where yo wipe almost all the paint of your brush then gently smooth it over the top of the object. so lets get started.....
firstly you will need.... black spray paint/your armour colour, brown,yellow and white, a mixing pallet and a brush...And some expanding foam.

1st dab the area with expanding foam

then. give the area a basecoat (black in this case)

after this has dried start to apply the first coat of paint for the dirt. I used 2 parts brown to one part yellow and white. (drybrush this on remember!)

lastly. apply higlights of brown and white because mud is more than one colour!!

you can apply different amounts of expanidng foam i reconmend the less the beter but if you put on to much (like me) you can peel it off afterwards (wich i didnt do). also i reconmed you use a darker brown because mine looks like poo
AND THATS HOW EASY IT IS!!!!! Blam! your good to go!
--smilie120. p.s il upload a tut for easy battle dmage soon!
please comment, and I hope you like!
firstly you will need.... black spray paint/your armour colour, brown,yellow and white, a mixing pallet and a brush...And some expanding foam.

1st dab the area with expanding foam

then. give the area a basecoat (black in this case)

after this has dried start to apply the first coat of paint for the dirt. I used 2 parts brown to one part yellow and white. (drybrush this on remember!)

lastly. apply higlights of brown and white because mud is more than one colour!!

you can apply different amounts of expanidng foam i reconmend the less the beter but if you put on to much (like me) you can peel it off afterwards (wich i didnt do). also i reconmed you use a darker brown because mine looks like poo
AND THATS HOW EASY IT IS!!!!! Blam! your good to go!
--smilie120. p.s il upload a tut for easy battle dmage soon!
please comment, and I hope you like!