Well, It's Official. (Halo Fanfilm 3D Scene, Pic Intensive)

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Active Member
Hello 405th!

I debated whether or not to put this in the 3D modeling forum, but I figured I would just put it here (If a mod wants to move it go for it). As some of you may know (if you've seen my "I WANT YOU" thread), A couple of my friends, from the Nationwide Spartans, are planning to film a documentary-type movie about our Spartans. One scene (as of now) is going to be 99% rendered in 3D, so I got started last night and I wanted to share that scene with you guys! So, without further ado, Forward Unto Pictures!

(P.S. I just remembered I have a photobucket account xD)

Here's an early shot of modelling. The box on the side is going to be computer-y greebles.

Working on the box:



A really low-res render on my personal laptop (Took about 2 minutes, I need a better laptop):

And here's some 500 sample renders with temporary lighting: (Done on my work computer this morning, took about 2 minutes for all 3 :D)



Door/Support Detail


Computer-y Greebles

That's all for now, but I'll update this as I work on it!










Hello once again, all!

Update time!

I worked on the scene a little last night, but got tired and went to bed lol. Anyway, here's the progress I made:

File Server/Ventilation things:

Fancy Computer/Keypad:

Fancier Computer/Keypad with fuse things!

Low Sample Render of the wall panel:

Low Sample Render of the hallway with the wall panel: (Nice and dark/spooky!)

Started adding some placeholder materials to the geometry:

Lastly, A preview of the hallway (not rendered) with the colored wall panels:

That's all for now! Thanks for checking it out!

One last note:

Yes, I used one panel duplicated and rotated around the entire hallway. Yes it would be obvious I used only one, however, the background/scene is literally just that, a background. It's nowhere near the center of attention/action, and will possibly be blurred anyway, because of the focus on the action of this scene, so I don't really think anyone will notice.




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Hey guys! Another update here!

First off, I cleaned up my workspace once again! Yay!

Now onto the progress! (Note, I got into modeling and forgot to take screenshots for the first big chunk of the night)

Hallway panels added:




Pipes added:


Neat little angled wireframe showing off the new metal grating on the floor:

Starting the door on the back wall:


In place:

1000 sample render (No textures, one temporary light source trying to emulate natural lighting as best as possible quickly)


Well once again that's all for now! As of this update I believe the scene is either 90% or 100% modeled. I haven't quite decided whether or not to add some minor details (Mostly on that empty ceiling) to improve the overall look of the room, but since I'm pretty sure the background won't be that visible anyway, I'm debating to put it in. I don't want to increase render time and have it not even show in the frame.

Anyway, as always thanks for checking it out!




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This is incredibly impressive! Looking trot ward to seeing the final cut.
Simply amazing. I took design studies in High School, and always wanted to do this, but never followed through. You have inspired me to give it another shot sir!
Looking forward to more updates!
This is incredibly impressive! Looking trot ward to seeing the final cut.
Thanks man! Work's been busy and I got a kitten, so I haven't had much time to work on anything really lately. But I haven't given up!

Simply amazing. I took design studies in High School, and always wanted to do this, but never followed through. You have inspired me to give it another shot sir!
Looking forward to more updates!
Wow, I'm incredibly honored that I've inspired someone. Go for it! I was going to go into programming and then switched over and couldn't be happier. It's super fun, and I really like the challenges it brings. Thank you!
Hey there,
I too am impressed with this work of art. I recently got into Blender myself and just finished modelling my first 3d gun.(a P90,Yay!!)
I am really excited about the world of 3d modelling, and, just like RomanW, I too have been inspired by your work to reach for new 3d heights. Thank you and, Keep up the Awesomeness!!! Ooo-rah!
Hey there,
I too am impressed with this work of art. I recently got into Blender myself and just finished modelling my first 3d gun.(a P90,Yay!!)
I am really excited about the world of 3d modelling, and, just like RomanW, I too have been inspired by your work to reach for new 3d heights. Thank you and, Keep up the Awesomeness!!! Ooo-rah!

Wow, thank you! Go for it!
Nice to see a fellow Film Maker in the forums. I'm in the progress of making Several Halo Films too XD Looking forward to seeing further work!

P.S You can always PM me if are in need any of any help/assistance (Writing, Props and Costumes, Cinematography, Editing, etc) ;)
If you've thought this far ahead, do you mind if I ask how are you planning to create the textures for the finished assets?
If you've thought this far ahead, do you mind if I ask how are you planning to create the textures for the finished assets?

textures.com (formerly CGTextures.com) is a great resource for texturing 3D assets. To quote their website directly:

Textures.com is a website that offers digital pictures of all sorts of materials. We have pictures of fabrics, wood, metal, bricks, plastic, and many more. These images are called textures and can be used for graphic design, visual effects, in computer games and any other situation where you need a nice pattern or background image.
You can download up to 15 images for free every day. If you need more or bigger images, you can purchase a credit pack or a subscription. The How it works page has more information about download quotas.

Our website was founded in 2005 as CGTextures.com, our images have been used by practically every game developer and VFX company in the world. Our library currently has 113,602 images, and continues to grow by the week.

My first plan, to save time and efficiency, is to try and locate suitable textures here. If not, being a designer and lucky enough to own the Adobe CS6 Master Collection, I will just create them myself.
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Have you ever tried Cinema 4D... with your skills in a program such as Blender, I couldn't even imagine what you could do in Cinema 4D or more advanced programs.
Have you ever tried Cinema 4D... with your skills in a program such as Blender, I couldn't even imagine what you could do in Cinema 4D or more advanced programs.
Lol. C4D isn't the be all end all of 3d programs, even though a lot of people in the YT speed modeling and graphics tutorials scene like to make it seem like it is. Blender is actually a better polygon modeling program than Cinema 4D (modeling is not C4D's strength) and Bender's Cycles renderer is better than C4D's built in renderer by miles. Blender is actually a really really nice program in a lot of areas, and using other software packages only offers marginal gains in specific areas. Maya might be slightly better for modeling, rigging, and animation, but it doesn't do texturing, rendering, and compositing as well as Blender. C4D is better for motion graphics and on par for animation but worse for modeling and rendering. Etc, etc for other programs. Putting together several into a pipeline may produce better results faster or easier than Blender, which, along with the fact that studios are deep into custom plugins and software add ons for specific "pro" applications, is the main reason that Blender isn't an industry standard.

Anyway, murishani047, you should definitely check out the Quixel suite for texturing, it's super affordable, integrates right into Photoshop, and can export straight back out to Blender Cycles. Very intuitive and powerful for doing normals and texturing. http://quixel.se The Substance suite is also really nice, but has a higher learning curve.
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