What are the "Approved" Costume Requirements?

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New Member
Hello fellow Halo enthusiasts,

I am new to the site and want to create my own suit of armor, where can I find the listed requirements for an approved set of armor? I want to plan my character sheet accordingly, any help is welcome.

Hello fellow Halo enthusiasts,

I am new to the site and want to create my own suit of armor, where can I find the listed requirements for an approved set of armor? I want to plan my character sheet accordingly, any help is welcome.

Hey! Welcome to the forum! Our armor ratings are different than you may see with the 501st or Mando mercs. Here any costume can be approved (so long as it's not offensive or something). We grade our costumes on a tiers scale. I'm sure someone will post a link to the official tier guidelines but generally, tier 3 looks like it walked off the screen. The scale, colors and armor pieces (and undersuit) look close to if not perfect. Tier 2 is where the armor looks awesome but maybe has some minor scale issues or construction defects. Tier 1 can be any other suit. It can have crossover details, funny colors, poor construction, sizing issues, it doesn't matter! As long as it is halo, it can be approved!

There's a chance I have those backwards and tier 1 is a perfect suit, but I'm pretty sure that's how it goes. So, pick out what character you want to make and start working!

What we don't have is specific descriptions as to how pieces should look. Like I know with Mando mercs they have things like "chest piece has to have 3 pieces with an inch between the pieces and the center diamond" and stuff like that. That kind of construction detail would generally be the difference between tier 2 and 3 (if it was noticable -we aren't going to require measurements).

There is an official document that describes all of this in more detail that I'm sure someone will link for you, but I hope this helps a little!
Hello Coben, I suggest you read the New Recruit, Membership, and Deployment FAQs first, but to quickly Summarize:
A costume is not required for 405th Membership. By creating a Forum Account here, like you have, you have achieved Membership in the 405th.

The next level of Membership is joining you local Regiment, which is the 405th's regional Sub-Units. Again, a costume is not required to join your local Regiment, only a Forum account that has been registered and active for over 90 days, and has made 50, constructive, on topic posts.

Once you have joined your local Regiment, you can then go through the optional Deployment Program, where you submit your finished Halo Universe costume for Feedback into one of three levels based on your build's construction, accuracy, and fit, as well as formal recognition on a job well done on completing a Halo Universe costume.

In terms of what costumes are eligible for the Deployment Program, any Costume from a published, official Halo Universe source, including Games, Comics, Novels, and Art Books that there is a visual source to objectively compare the finished costume against is able to be Deployed. UNSC, Civilian, AI, Covenant, and even Insurrectionist costumes are viable for Deployment, as long as they have a visual source in the Halo Universe.
Hey! Welcome to the forum! Our armor ratings are different than you may see with the 501st or Mando mercs. Here any costume can be approved (so long as it's not offensive or something). We grade our costumes on a tiers scale. I'm sure someone will post a link to the official tier guidelines but generally, tier 3 looks like it walked off the screen. The scale, colors and armor pieces (and undersuit) look close to if not perfect. Tier 2 is where the armor looks awesome but maybe has some minor scale issues or construction defects. Tier 1 can be any other suit. It can have crossover details, funny colors, poor construction, sizing issues, it doesn't matter! As long as it is halo, it can be approved!

There's a chance I have those backwards and tier 1 is a perfect suit, but I'm pretty sure that's how it goes. So, pick out what character you want to make and start working!

What we don't have is specific descriptions as to how pieces should look. Like I know with Mando mercs they have things like "chest piece has to have 3 pieces with an inch between the pieces and the center diamond" and stuff like that. That kind of construction detail would generally be the difference between tier 2 and 3 (if it was noticable -we aren't going to require measurements).

There is an official document that describes all of this in more detail that I'm sure someone will link for you, but I hope this helps a little!
Thanks for the feedback, I do have one more question; Can Tier 3 (universe accurate quality costumes) be personalized (i.e. color pallet, and design change), or must Teir 3 costumes resemble lore established characters?
Thanks for the feedback, I do have one more question; Can Tier 3 (universe accurate quality costumes) be personalized (i.e. color pallet, and design change), or must Teir 3 costumes resemble lore established characters?
Hello Coben. I again urge you to review the FAQs I linked to, as the Deployment FAQ does answer this exact question.

But, Tier 3 costumes must match an on screen Character as close possible. This means either a named Character, any character seen In Game or in another visual medium, or any personalization markings and placement must be able to be replicated In Game multiplayer customization options.
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