what is with the stupid 10 yr olds....!!!?!

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No need to be all like "OMG UR STUPID HE OBVIOUSLY DIES!" or like " NU HE LIVZ!" because, once again, nobel 6 is not a single person, and why he apears as our custom armor configurations instead of just the mark v(b) So please stop spaming that he died or didn't die, or comment saying I'm stupid and you cant live through what he did.

Well it sure sounds like you're arguing that he doesn't die...
No, he's arguing that it's not definitive either way. Most people keep saying that he definitely died, arguing either from the inconclusive cutscene or from what Halsey/Cortana said (we still don't even know which one it's supposed to be).

The ending is open, which Bungie did so that the player could do what they want with their character (because Six is YOUR character). Some of us thought of our own ending for what happened to Six. If you had Six die at the end, that's your choice. That doesn't mean that's what actually happened.

Six is MIA. Either he's the Spartan version of MIA (meaning dead) or he's actually MIA (as in wherabouts unknown but quite possibly still alive).
you know i really do have to say it's up to you if you want six to live or die. just because halsey said he/she died could mean for those of you who wanted him to die, fine he/she is dead and burned up on reach. i personaly think six lived, but guess what, ITS JUST MY PERSONAL OPINION! there's so many possibilitys as to what happened to six. so after you see the elite with the sword the rest of what happened to six is completly up to you. and as for halsey at the very end it just may have been that six lived and is M.I.A somewhere else or really is dead. so let us end this stuff about what definitly happened. let people have thier opinions about what happened to six, and by the way halopedia does not matter, its also someones opinion.
why is it i should be called a dumb@$$ on live for not believing noble 6 is chief and the autumn came back to get noble 6 to revive him and turn him into mastercheif..... wtf.... grow up kids noble 6 dies hes not mastercheif deal with it!

maybe you haven't been keeping up with the times. NO HATE THREADS. I will report this thread to a Mod now...
I apologize now for now contributing to the topic whatsoever, but I just couldn't help myself.

The last thing she would care about after becoming the Cairo's AI would be find out if 6 died or not, and even she wouldn't know for sure because Spartans are listed as MIA, and to this day she is floating in space on the back half of the forward unto dawn with chief.
"Backward unto Dawn"

That is all.
jks_soccer said:
"Backward unto Dawn"
That, my friend, is pure win. Congratulations, you have won 1 internetz.

Project003, what are you talking about? This is not a hate thread. Got armour was expressing a legitimate complaint about immature adolescents on Xbox Live. And then his thread devolved into the same argument the Reach ending discussion thread suffered from.
Jesus christ. I have had enough of this subject. Sorry if this comes off as a little harsh, but this is just something I need to get out of my system. Allow me to explain.

The topic you are currently addressing is the population of players in a video game.

A video game.

You see that little "M" in the corner of the box? Yeah, that's so the few people that do care what their kids are playing don't get all uppity when limbs start flying.

The target audience for video games, is teenagers.

If you're going to keep playing video games, you are going to encounter a ton of teenagers and children, and there is one thing, and one thing only, that you can do to address the problem.

Deal with it.
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