Wip Halo 3 Odst Smg Scratch Build

if you wanted an smg

  • basic in duel wield mode

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  • basic in 2 handed mode

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  • ODST in duel wield mode

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  • don't care, give me the bits and i'll do it myself

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Awesome work you've done on your second version, Shadow! Looks even better than your first one (and I thought that one was pretty kill-tacular) ;)

I have to say, you sure work fast on these builds. It's inhuman :) lol

Any luck yet in finding someone in your neck o' the woods to mold/cast this? :unsure
to answer a few questions

yes the silencer/laser housing has been sprayed matt black along with the magazine, they will be getting another coat of enamel today to stop them from chipping etc. they are still relatively soft as they arn't plastic but are strong enough to be moulded.

as for when it will be done, i am working as fast as i can, i want to have one of these on my wall before odst hits the shelves, the key to it is not to think about what you are doing, if you plan it it takes ages but if you just start without planning you get a lot more done and it could be amazing, this one i obviouly thought a bit but the main part is just daydreaming.

and as for moulding, i have not found anyone yet in the uk who wants to mould it either because thay want too much in return, (rights to sell of casts as their own plus pay for the mould in the first place, no way mate) or the material is not good for what thay want to do with it. so i have decided to do it myself. i have found this gel called 'gelflex' its a rubber that melts at about 130 degrees C and can be poured onto the item to give a mould in a few minutes, once used it can be remelted and used again upto 10 times before it goes weird. i will be buying a kg of it later today and try it on the magazine, its small and if it gets destroyed it can be easily remade. if its a success, i will keep those moulds and buy another 3KG of the stuff. then i will also get some polyurethane resin, i know polyester is cheaper but it is more brittle. this will hopefully arrive at my work place while i'm on holiday so i can pick it up as soon as i get back. then the fun can begin. i have some plastacine ready to make the base for the 2 part mould, covering 1 half and pouring the gel on top. theres a vid on youtube that explains it much more by tapp plastics. just hoping that the molten rubber does not damage the gun.

oh, and i am now seeing another picture of a soldier lying on the ground with a gun???

anyway enough of talk, here are 2 images of the silencer to wet your appetite for more.

ps if you are in the uk and would like to mould it let me know asap.
Shadows0fIntent said:
well when i open the topic and look below what i wrote where my pictures are i see this, has something glitched up as its been there for hours now or has someone hacked it. see image

someone had the pic in their multi-quote buffer, if you click multi-quote but don't actually reply it keeps the quote there for a certain time on until you clear it out
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wow, this is an amazing build!

I would sure like to know exactly what you used as I've heard that foam melts under resin!
Thats looking awesome and VERY game accurate shadow!

Are you planning on making moulds for people or just a couple for yourself?

Also, if you go on the UK forum, they have lists of UK equivalent products including moulding products.

Akademee said:
I would sure like to know exactly what you used as I've heard that foam melts under resin!

OM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM! moving on... I think you'll have to research that abit, because that doesnt sound too friendly D:
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well the pieces i use are foam surrounded with card, hense foam board, what i have done in the silencer is to minimalise the area that is left open, on the edges of the laser housing i have covered them with a thin layer of modeling putty so it has set hard, the other parts are covered with multiple layers of paint, enamel and varnish to give it a scratch resistant covering. any large areas which are left open will be covered with some rubber paint i have which provides a waterproof layer when moulding. all in all i won't mould the items until they are sealed, the silencer should be fine now as it only has to stand up to molten rubber gel stuff for a few minutes until it cools, should be able to withstand it.

and i will be making a cast for myself, most likely the first version which will be sanded, cut etc to get it accurate, then the previous moulds can be melted down and remade into the new ones. when this is ready i will be adding them onto the classified area so if your interested pm me now and i will inform you when they are done, otherwise watch this thread. i will be hoping to make about 5-10 casts depending on who want them, uk only at the moment, kit forms for worldwide.

also i have tried looking st the uk alternatives but most are still very expensive, i tried latex, my advice to others, don't even look at it, it shrinks to much, its too flimsey, i had an AR and tried to mould it, made a plaster cast around it and guess what, it failed, the cast is now in my cellar along with other artifacts of my tortured past... silicon is too expensive and needs vacuuming, this stuff i found seems to be my best chance as its cheaper than the silicon and can be reused, just is not as durable as silicon so will need to be remade every few casts.
I have no idea about what these classified forums are :pbut I'll watch this thread aswel.

Also pm me when your get some spare moulds set up? Isn't it against the rules to sell this aswel? so shushh :p
well you unlock the classified area once you become a veteran which is about 60 posts average, and no you can sell moulds and casts there, but only there, you can't try and sell them in other areas like here for example.

when you eventually get the classified area have a look around, you sometimes see pistol casts, spiker rifles, smgs and grenades just to name a few. all i can say is that i will be putting mine up there sometime during september on a first come first served basis so watch this current topic if interested.

pm me if you want to talk more in detail...
update, i got the moulding material in the post today, i thought i would try a small piece so i got my magazine and stuck it to the board and built up the walls around it using plastacine. melted down the gel and waited, unfortunately the glue holding down the mag also melted and the mag came rising to the top of the gel, i pushed it back down and saw a blackish smudge in the gel, it was melting the black paint which surrounded it, so the first version of it was a write off. i got rid of the gel and mag and made a new one with more detail, i will be using super glue this time, if that can't hold it then nothing will, i will also be spraying the mag with enamel spray to seal any small holes which could allow air bubbles to form, once this is perfected i can start moulding the other pieces.

things to note...

foam board does not melt at 130 degrees C

paint does melt

foam floats

fire hurts a lot, especially when molten rubber hits you.

remember if you try this play safe, i will try the next one tomorrow and i will update on whether it worked or failed, most likely fail.
this is a very nice work of art!!

Everything is accurate to the detail!

Ill be watching this thred!

good luck with all the molding and stuff :D
the main problem i see at the moment is that i have used some neoprene to make some details on the silencer and as we know foam melts, the last one which had been left open to the rubber had melted in areas, so i hope that with multiple layers of enamel and varnish that it will not go as bad again. this would not happen with silicon but its a cheaper way of making a mould and the materials for the master is cheap as well. this piece is just pere foam board so should be fine. i will do an experiment piece of a piece of neoprene covered with layers of enamel to see wha the effect would be on the silencer, if the silencer would fail i will send it off to get done.
i have had a few private messages asking about the moulding of the gun, heres how its gone so far...

the mag has been done and after a failed attempt has been finished and is ready to use.

the front handle was tried out this morning but due to a different type of foam board it did not work, i have remade it and am hoping to make another mould of it.

the body and back have been redone slightly to prevent what happened to the front handle, you never know it may mess up again, if it does i'm screwed. fingers crossed it works.

and then its the silencer, it will work i just need to cover it with more varnish so that the paint on it does not disolve again like the fist one.

i have placed an order for 2 more KGs of gelflex and 2.5 KG of resin so when its done i can shape it more. i have just come back from holiday so sorry for not updating, i also start college on the 14th so updtes will be fewer so i hope to finish before then
killignhorne said:
cool weapon were can i get that pep files?

its not a pep build, its home mae, but you can find the peps on this site somewhere.

update, foamboard can melt, well the binding glue can at least. i have cast the stock of the gun, 2 magazines, the front handle, and some little bits, i am preparing the other parts to be moulded soon, i will have to rebuild some bits but hey, thats what i get for using cheap foam board bought at Rymans. after a lot of sanding i will hopefully have a great looking gun done and ready to present.

sorry for a lack of replying, i have been at college and work etc so this has not been a priority.

more pictures soon.
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