Work Eat Play: A Forum Game

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Sr Member
Hey, all! I've been mulling over this idea for a while, and I think I've finally gotten something together that I'm satisfied with. Therefore, I proudly present to you all:

Work Eat Play - The Game!.

The aim of this game is to help the community begin to connect with itself - as people post in here, we'll get to know each other a little better. We'll be introduced to new things, we'll get a snapshot on the pulse of the community - and, most importantly of all, we'll have some fun doing it.

Interested? Of course you are. Here's how it works:

When you post in this thread, provide the following three things:

- What you're working on RIGHT NOW! Provide one image to show the community a snapshot of what you're doing! Add it as an attachment using the 'Manage Attachments' tool, found in the 'Full Reply Editor'.
- What you've eaten/recently eaten! Fuel the body, and introduce us to what gets your mouth watering.
- Name one thing you've recently done for recreation. A video game? A sport? What's in your music playlist? What're you watching?

Now, of course, there are a few rules.

- ONE post in this thread per day only.
- Multiple consecutive posts (double/triple posts) are NOT ALLOWED. This thread isn't here to help you bloat your post count.
- Keep posts relevant and on-topic.
- Please don't post anything offensive.

Follow the rules and all will be good. Break the rules and I will scowl at you (or I'll get FANGS to bap you, which is a fate worse than chess).


All that said, let's begin!

What I'm working on: ARGUS torso size-tester. Not sure if I'll keep this or revise it in foam later on down the line. And, yes! I know! I'm actually posting armour progress as opposed to Archive updates! THE SHOCK!
What I'm eating: cereal. Because I'm lazy, and cooking takes away valuable Archive work-time.
What I'm listening to: Magnum - The Moon King (Into The Valley Of The Moonking). I'm an absolute sucker for 80s-90s rock and metal.


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Ok I hope I get this right.....

Working on a Centurion build. Have the helmet almost done and have successfully test sized my chest piece templates.IMG-20160718-01399.jpg

Lunch is coming up soon and I love Pizza w/ black olives. My favorite food hands down. It was also last night's dinner.......

And God help me.....I'm at work and listening to Light FM radio on the overhead's a daily fight not to throw myself under the wheels of the forklifts......


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While I wait for someone who needs a bap upside the head.......hehehe

I'm currently working on all kinds of stuff for DCon, one of which is this pink ball of horrific foofooness.

I just had a BLT with not so good fries for lunch.

Annnnnd....I'm listening to Prince - the Purple Rain soundtrack right meow.
Working on molding the Halo Reach EOD modeled by Mr. Jeffrey Tabben of Dutch Props.20160714_171032.jpg
Cheetos and Mushroom Soup....not very filling :(

And listening to Halo Spartan Strike Soundtrack.....really hoping they get this guy to team up with Niel Davidge for halo 6!
I'm currently actually working. Just working out a bug before submitting a new build to the App Store later this week. (It did say what are you working RIGHT NOW)

Last thing I ate was some Mac 'n Cheese with some ground beef and broccoli tossed in

Currently listening to some Greek Fire
I finished detailing the front half of a 3D printed CSS-class covenant cruiser model last night, still trying to wrangle maya and my Slicer to work together

I had an awesome burger from Christopher's Burgers about two hours ago. i didn't get a picture of it's meaty deliciousness, but here's a picture of my finished soda (which was also good)

and i've fallen COMPLETELY in love with this music video that just popped up in my youtube suggestions feed a few days ago:
Ooo, these types of games are always fun!

What I've been working on: a fraction of the chaos that is currently encompassing my work station - our favourite A.I. ...The rest of my space is littered with fine worbla and templates ready for construction.
What I'm eating: I did try an Asiago artichoke dip with pita chips. It was surprisingly delicious.
What I'm listening to: 'Queen' by History (Kpop group. I recently got back into the genre since having been an English teacher/tutor a few years earlier.)
( case anyone was wondering, yes, that is the new clear TranspArt worbla shown in the picture)
What I'm working on:. A manufacturing print for a customer specific tool holder (can't post pic. Confidential stuffs and all.)
What I'm eating: .A chocolate chip muffin.
What have I done recently:. Wrote a song yesterday and started working on a new remix to put out. work designing a movie theater box for our product, cant share a pic.....its top secret so instead will share a pic of a small packagesuper sour mix bag-01.png you can buy Whackies on Amazon! Shameless plug.
drinking coffee
listening too... the voices in my head.
This is fun.

I'm still a little unclear if the first thing is what you're working on (building related) or literally what you are doing right now.. so..

Right now: I'm creating invoices for customers.. boring. I work as a sale manager for an industrial sharpening shop.
In my spare time: I'm working on re-creating a leather sheath. This one pictured IMG_20150819_194921.jpg is one I made for a guy and even though it is fully lined on the inside with suede somehow rust formed on his blade under that button clasp. So now I have to remake the entire sheath for free. :angry

Eating: lunch, leftovers from last night's dinner. A Swiss, Portabella and Aioli Burger from BJ's Brew, delicious.

Last leisure activity: Apart from currently listening to all of your music suggestions ;) Last night I continued my first playthrough on Halo 5 Gaurdians, beat levels 6-12. I know, I know, a little late, but I am really liking it. Hopefully the multiplayer holds up just as well. fingers crossed.
Today...Working on a few custom patterns for a customer. Nothing Special...helped a friend with a surprise touch for a yearly event ;) Oh and MY EOD Armor was on GrifBall Hub Twitter last night! Dr Halsey and Spartan.jpg
Lunch is my chicken parm!!!!
And music today...Sevedust Kill the Flaw!
^ Oh hey, I remember that ^-^

As for today, production has been taken over by side projects:
-when I'm not working on costume-related items or need a break, I take some time to practice dance choreography in hopes of recording a reaction video at a convention for fun and to boost con-goers' energy.
(It nearly happened at D*Con last year, but I shied away from it. Maybe this year will be different.)
I'm also a video editor, and slowly working away at a RvB [CGI-version] montage.
RvB montage2.png
-For a snack - chocolate covered almonds, because why not? ; )
I spent the evening helping my younger brothers as they were on the back nine of their Reach pepakura suits and wanted help upping the quality and advice on what to do next.
Eating left over Little Ceasers, I love their PCB!
Listening to Voxtrot - Raised by Wolves
Working on : Cleaning house.
Eating: Bowl of cocopuffs
Relaxing: stopping to read here when I should be doing more house work.
-What you're working on RIGHT NOW! Right now im working on the halo 4 rogue armor but with an assassins creed spin. The spin is because my friends and i are going to the comicon in dallas at the irving center in october but they wanted to all go ass assassins creedstyle outfits but i like to be different!
here is a link to see what im doing i update it every few days or so, as i finish parts!

- What you've eaten/recently eaten! As of right now nothing but I am going to work out then get some cereal as its the only thing i have right now in the house.

- Name one thing you've recently done for recreation. Washed my sports car and took up some photography I guess lol. As for what im listening right now its a live playlist on youtube playing nightcore and dubstep. pretty good stuff in my opinion.
What I'm working on: Work wise - same thing as's all I really do. Armor Wise - adding details and sealing seams on the marine pilot chest piece.

What I'm eating: Little Ceasars Lunch combo pizza.

What I've done for play: recently went camping and went ziplinning and conquered a high ropes course (in 90 degree weather)


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Working on? Cosplay repairs after a great con this weekend, however my Glue gun busted itself, so instead it has to be this:

Last thing I ate wassss some Breaded Chicken and French Fries :D

And I've been with my girlfriend all day so I've not had chance to do anything for myself (You all know how it is lol)


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