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Well-Known Member
Hi im shadow and i want to add some ppl to my friends list and i waz wondering if someone would like to be mah frend.
so post your youtube ids plz and send a friend request to :

[My id here and Youtube]

thnk u

MAh youtibe nmae is SeabnBRradleuy. Sendn me a frens reqkuest!


ISn my typen mesiong upi yioir understandiong whaty IM saiung? Woiud; it help yoiu undertsnd my yiotubee ids if I wropte more carefulle?

Well it would he all of us here understand what you are saying if you typed everything as carefully as you typed your YouTube ID. Please consider this.
meh utube nam b mattwalton56

Wow! It's really hard to type like that.

But seriously, my YouTube ID is 'mattwalton56'... I have no videos, but feel free to add me anyway. ;-)

I bet you'll never guess my name. ;)
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