My first armor build!!! (Halo 3 MK VI)

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New Member
Well guys this is it. After countless hours of skulking around 405th's website and seeing all of you guys doing such an amazing job I was inspired to finally build my own.


Got all the pep work done. Sorry for the lack of in progress pics. What can I say I got excited. 10 hours and one nights sleep missed gets it done lol.


It fits!! A little snug on the ears though. I'll sort that out later though.



My little workshop. Something seems familiar about this….


Safety first!! Still can't seem to put my finger on why this seems so familiar though.:p


A coat of primer and resin on the outside later and we have the baby steps of a helmet.


Good thick layer of fiberglass on the bottom should make it more rigid. Disregard the piece in the top right corner that didn't adhere. I'm a little upset with that!! :angry

Stay tuned ladies and gents there shall be more pictures on the morrow!


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Looks pretty good I must say!

How did you fiberglass? Because it does look a bit messy, did you use larger chunks of cloth or did you cut them down to 2x4 inch or even 1x3 inch, the smaller the easier to get in place!

Anyway, looks good! For a first pep it's really good! I myself messed my first one up really bad! :p
I agree with MasterBest1 you did a pretty good job seeing this is your first time. But I think you should have made the visor too since it would prevent the helmet to warp.

Thanks for the tips guys. surprisingly I had zero warping and trust I made sure it didn't lol. I would say they were probably about 1x4 inch pieces I was working with. Yeah I have to say, I am not the most efficient when it comes to using resin.
Alright ladies and gents of 405th if you have the time I would like to have a heart to heart discussion. I need to know before I move on to body work if you guys think this helmet is ready. Let me warn you the images you may see could be graphic to some people. viewer discretion is advised.






Thanks ahead for any suggestions you guys can give


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Somebody's putting on resin or paint (or both) way too thick causing very noticeable runs. I recommend sanding them down and if it's resin apply thinner coats on future parts, and if it's paint then increase the distance between your sprayer and the item being painted. I mean, why go through all the trouble of pepping and hardening only to have serious runs in the paint job from applying it too thick?
Thanks guys. No update today other than my under suit came in. I ran into another problem with the helmet. I checked the fit when the pepping was done, fit great. Was a little small on the ears though. Now after glassing it, it feels like my ears are being cut off every time I put it on. I'm probably gonna have to redo it… after I do the rest of the armor hahaha.
If you got problem getting the helmet on, it's probably too small! Take in account that you will probably wear some sort of balaclava under the helmet. You might aswell also want to add padding to the inside of it when it's done. So, when you eventually rebuild a helmet, take those into account. Also, the fiberglass does take up quite some space after 2nd/3rd layer is on, so add that to the calculations aswell!

Other than that I think you did a great job on your first helmet so far!
Thanks man. What I should've took into account was the fact that I have an abnormally wide head :/ haha. I've got one of my thighs pepped out I just have to size it because I have fat thighs too. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to do that yet cause I'm at home and I left it back at my dorm. Will post more pictures soon.
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