WORT! WORT! WORT! (translation) My Elite Build

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Well, besides Plasma Bombardment....

"Scratch built" Means that YOU built it, using components that you saw fit to make the prop/costume
Pep in my opionion is a surefire way to make the object, but is someone elses work, your just putting it together.
So you didn't? I want to clarify. Because I do not want to PaperMache another entire costume....took months for my Mrk. 6...





a week of 30 minute Paper Mache A day! For this BR

Glassin' is just brush on...much, much faster
Really? It looks very very good. Is it durable?

Oh, definitely. I connect all my cardboard pieces with L-shaped pieces of cardboard on the inside. And in thicker areas I reinforce it like bird bones--hollow but with reinforcing struts here and there. The paper tape seals the cracks and for good measure, I cover other areas with it as well.

For my grunt costume there was a point where I had a small dent in the cardboard and I decided I didn't like the natural imperfection so I decided to puncture it to make a bullet wound in the chest. It took me multiple hard whacks with a scissors in order to even puncture it. I've never had a problem with my cardboard armor denting, wearing down or breaking.

The only issues I've had are where there were areas of stress, like on my stilts at the area where I put my foot in. The cardboard surrounding the entrance of the foot-hole did tear along a seam. But it was a quick fix. I've rain-proofed one costume with some spray-on stuff. It worked pretty well. I wasn't in a big ol' thunderstorm though.

And finally, the other problem I had was with moisture from my own breath. When I did my grunt respirator there was an extra area for me to breath out of, but it was made of cardboard to look like it wasn't a hole. That part got so soggy after I wore it. I should have covered it in something, even liquid latex would have done it! (would have been a waste on a larger scale--so don't do that :p)
Several Whacks? With Regular Cardboard? Huh, I reinforce on the inside also...but dang the cardboard you use must be 2 ply or something
But thanks for the Paper Tape Idea, I've never even heard of it, are you from the states?
I just use regular cardboard boxes.

Of course, the area I was whacking was curved, so maybe that has something to do with it.

Yes I'm from the states. Wisconsin, to be specific.

Here's a link to some paper tape to get you familiar with it:

It's also known as "gummed paper tape". There also is a reinforced version, which has some kind of strong fiber on the inside, and people use this for packing a lot. I chose the non-reinforced version because it looks smoother. They have some pretty thin-width tape, but I like the wide stuff. They sell it at all the art stores around here.

Basically it's got the consistency of a stronger version of a brown paper bag, and on one side of the strip there is adhesive that you have to get wet. I usually stick my fingers in a small cup or bowl of water and spread the water on like that. You can use a sponge or brush if that makes you more comfortable. You don't want to dip it into water, though. But anyway, it dries pretty quickly. Just rub the non-adhesive side while you are applying it to ensure that it sticks 100% and you're good to go.

I should really make a tutorial video on how I do my cardboard-making...hmmmm....
Yes you should make a tut, that would be interesting.
I've got to go to work in 10 minutes, but When I get off (hopefully it will be a short day)
I'll post pics of Thighs. Was working on them til 4 this morning. Almost Done on them
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Wow! This elite build is looking pretty cool so far! I can't wait to see it finished. Although I personally am not a fan of the elites, but the builds are really interesting due to their body shape so I find it interesting to see how people pull it off! :p

Can't wait to see this finished! :D
I will be saying it, because I've only hand them on for 5 minutes at a time. But I'm confident that with practice and some training I can do it. That and some comfort padding.
Quick little Update, I'm beginning the Head Pep....Gawd I hate it..How can you people do it?


Oh and sorry about the Pictures, I was going to post, I'm at home right now, and my bro's camera is at my grandmas. so expect updates 'round Wednesday (tomorrow) or Thursday.
Way to be an innovator. That was your own idea right? Looks like its going great, sorry I got in the thread late =]
Is that a joke? To start a the Head? 'cause i started at the base of the neck.
The Stilts are not my Idea, Sean Bradley was my Inspiraton

Pic of his Epic Arbiter

He took the idea of the Stilts from a vampire Movie, the one with Lycans? The stuntmen used stilts like that to make the werewolf legs look Legit.

My Idea came from partly that video. But I did not include the "Calf Helpers"

Sorry about The pictures my little brother just decided to take his Camera away from me...what is wrong with people?
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Exciting Update!

The Thigh armor is almost Complete



Then when I add it to the rest if the armor, and a pair of very ackward feeling tight pants, I wore those for my Mjolnir Armor Aswell


My Personal Favorite:


Coming along well, I think eh?

Feedback, and brutal critizisim gladly welcome!
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