Well here we go

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New Member
Hello, dear members of the 405th

As requested I will introduce my self


that's all you really need to know but anyways lets get back to it.

I am new and have informed my self greatly about Pepakura.

Al tho I seem to be missing some crucial information such as:

-best type of glue ( I tried gorilla super glue but its lacking grip on application )
-When yo connect the card stock how do you know at what angle to fold it. (do you simply guess?)

Thanks for your time I appreciate it.
to fold the pepakura models look at the dotted lines a ------- line is a mountain fold and a ........ line is a valley fold or v-shaped fold hope it helps. and i personally used super glue because it sets up fast but that can be a bad thing sometimes the choice is yours
I think the most common types of glue are just plain super glue and hot glue. i personally use hot glue. with folding on about 99% of all pep files there are two kinds of folds. mountain folds like this ^ and valley folds like this v. mountain folds are usually identified by a plain dotted line ------ and valley folds are identified by the other type of dotted line. i cant remeber the name but its like this _ . _ . _ Of course ALL this info is contained in the stickies so be sure to read those FIRST. hope this helps. good luck.
thanks guy but i already new the mountain and valley fold. I was mostly asking how you i identify the proper angle in wich you must fold them (do you refer to the model on the computer help plzzzzzzzzzzzz....)
I made a recon but its horrible I will post pics later can't right now

For the glue part if U were to use hot glue do I use high or low temperature.
thanks guy but i already new the mountain and valley fold. I was mostly asking how you i identify the proper angle in wich you must fold them (do you refer to the model on the computer help plzzzzzzzzzzzz....)
I made a recon but its horrible I will post pics later can't right now

For the glue part if U were to use hot glue do I use high or low temperature.

I usually have the file opened while im pepping. but as long as you have all the numbers lined up the pieces should fit together well. the angle of the fold really depends on where the piece is going. just check out where all the numbers are gonna line up before you glue it to determine how extreme the fold needs to be.
A good practice is to have the Pep Viewer up when pepping just for reference...
Then you can rotate and look at how the pieces go together....

for me... I use Aleene's Original Tacky glue... seems much more tacky/sticky then regular Elmers...

Found it at my local Wal-mart....

Other main key... good clean cuts... and just taking your time. Remember... It is not a marathon....
Take breaks in between parts or do sections at a time.... Keep your mind fresh while building....

Haste makes waste.....

Enjoy your builds....

As long as you are aligning the pieces/tabs properly, the shapes of the individual pieces themselves tend to define the shape and angles of the part. In the beginning stages of building a Pep piece, you aren't 100% sure what the angles are. As you add more, the part will shape itself to a degree. However, don't be afraid to gently coax the parts to get angles you need.

Also, I maintain that hot glue is easily one if the best if not the best glues to use for this. Cheap, strong yet easy to remove if needed, not affected by resin, and dries quickly.
As always thanks a lot for helping me.

I have 2 more questions before I head on to my next project

1.When you use your hot glue gun what do you do with all the stings of glue hanging on.( Is there a better way to remove them then to take them of one at a time)

2. I you use a pepakura file from an other member do you need to ask permission. Please explain...

Thanks I can't explain how grateful I am to you guys (or girls)
Just try and pull off as much of the hot glue string as possible. For any stubborn ones, you can use an X-acto knife to trim it away. And yes, its highly recommended to do this clean up before resining, etc.

I'm fairly sure you don't need to ask for permission from the authors of the files. I mean, they created them so they could be used. They want their parts to be made.
Hi and thanks again for all your help I have recently completed my recon helmet and its pretty brutal but its reasonable for my first build. One of the big problems is that the scaling was off "I scaled at 280 i read a thread that sed it was the most common size".Any ways if you can help me plz do.

I will be adding the recon helmets pictures tomorow foreshure til then have a nice day
and thanks alot for your time
Hi and thanks again for all your help I have recently completed my recon helmet and its pretty brutal but its reasonable for my first build. One of the big problems is that the scaling was off "I scaled at 280 i read a thread that sed it was the most common size".Any ways if you can help me plz do.

I will be adding the recon helmets pictures tomorow foreshure til then have a nice day
and thanks alot for your time

280 Seems reasonable. Whats your issue with it. Can you fit your head in it? You can trim the opening to get a better fit.
Hi and thanks again for all your help I have recently completed my recon helmet and its pretty brutal but its reasonable for my first build. One of the big problems is that the scaling was off "I scaled at 280 i read a thread that sed it was the most common size".Any ways if you can help me plz do.

I will be adding the recon helmets pictures tomorow foreshure til then have a nice day
and thanks alot for your time
Yeah, If your having trouble with scaling, Id suggest Halogoddess's tutorial, here.
If the hot glue is to fast for you but reg. glue is to slow try tacky glue. Use Halogoddess's tutorial it will answer allot of sizing problems. And check out the vid's in the stickies they will help you allot.
Well thanks again for your help I hope my next project ( Emile's Knife ) will be much better

Any ways here are some pics of my recon: Its okay for my first build but its crooked and I had to add lots of glue for some parts to stay together. "Is it a bad thing that I was done in only a week?"

Please reply Thanks.








If you have any recommendation for my next build plz share if not thanks for dropping in i'm eternally grateful


  • IMG_0364.jpg
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When I peped my first helmet I used hot glue. The results were not very good. For my next one I switched to tacky craft glue and a higher weight paper. I also scored my mountains and valleys with the blunt end of a knife. Those helped me the most.
First off, thats not a bad pep for your first, just keep practicing and your peps will get better as you gain more experience with folding and gluing =]

second, what do you use to cut out the pieces? if you aren't using an exacto knife, then that is priority number 1.

third, I personally wouldn't suggest using hot glue, as it can be tricky for beginners, I recommend using just plan old superglue, because it dries fast and holds very strong, you just have to be careful not to glue your fingers together hahaha

fourth, make sure to score the folds with your exacto knife before you actually fold them. this makes it a lot easier.

Good luck!!! :D
you did a pretty good job on the pep, quite impressive for a first helmet.
i dont know how anyone else had problems with hot glue, it working fine for me.
i use as little glue as possible. just kinda tack the pieces together, and if you didnt line them up right just re-heat to fix it. After you can also put a little hot glue weld inside, just a little one, if you use too much for the weld the glue can re-heat and pieces get misaligned. just be careful and take your time...you only have your whole life to finish it, that's how i think ;)
you did a pretty good job on the pep, quite impressive for a first helmet.
i dont know how anyone else had problems with hot glue, it working fine for me.
i use as little glue as possible. just kinda tack the pieces together, and if you didnt line them up right just re-heat to fix it. After you can also put a little hot glue weld inside, just a little one, if you use too much for the weld the glue can re-heat and pieces get misaligned. just be careful and take your time...you only have your whole life to finish it, that's how i think ;)

that is true, you can just reheat the glue if you mess up, which does come in handy. Its not necessarily hard to work with, I just find it easier to use the superglue method because its cordless, there are no string things to deal with, and you cant burn yourself when holding the seems together. though the superglue method does have some flaws as well, like gluing your fingers together and the fact that if you mess up its pretty much stuck there haha. so maybe the hotglue method is better for beginners, I dont know...just use whatever you feel comfortable with I guess
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