3D model or real life model?

Website doesn't have a lot of information, but based off of pricing and pictures I would assume it's a 3d model.
Thats what im hoping it asks for billing address thats why im unsure tho
Billing address is usually just standard for payment.
I’ve had to enter it for 3d models before.
Idk tho for sure the website isn’t very good at explaining things.
Its 20 bucks. You're not getting a printed helmet for $20.
Its Nikko Industries: one of the most well known modelers out there. I don't think he even does physical print manufacturing (though I could be wrong). But pretty sure his entire business is modeling/STL files... the Patreon subscriptions and so on. I don't think he runs a print farm to produce product but if someone knows otherwise please correct me on that.
Its 20 bucks. You're not getting a printed helmet for $20.
Its Nikko Industries: one of the most well known modelers out there. I don't think he even does physical print manufacturing (though I could be wrong). But pretty sure his entire business is modeling/STL files... the Patreon subscriptions and so on. I don't think he runs a print farm to produce product but if someone knows otherwise please correct me on that.
Thank you
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