405th COD Black Ops Emblem

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Active Member
Ok everyone, I know that everybody here loves halo, but there are also a few of us (myself included) who also love Call of Duty. So Ive figured out a way for us to represent the 405th while playing Black ops! Ive made (to my knowledge) the 1st 405th Black Ops emblem! (Please note, you must have reached the rank of Lt General to make this.)

Here it is:

Heres the list of parts and what order they should be in.

Here it is as seen on the L96A1 sniper rifle.

Heres a comparison between my emblem and the official 405th emblem.


I hope you like it, and if you see anything that you think should be changed or improved, just let me know so I can edit it!
Thanks for reading!
I dont even play that game. They lost me at MW2, what with the exagerated power of the 1887 shotgun, with the dual wield and what not. That and for some reason the Spetsnaz use the WA 2000 instead of the SVD. Also I hated the fully automatic and supressed M107's.
I dont even play that game. They lost me at MW2, what with the exagerated power of the 1887 shotgun, with the dual wield and what not. That and for some reason the Spetsnaz use the WA 2000 instead of the SVD. Also I hated the fully automatic and supressed M107's.

Hope they get it right in MW3.
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