405th Division Identity Officer - Welcome Aboard, Asgardianhammer!

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Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
As our first round of elections wind down and as our Regiments are spooling up, we are quickly finding ourselves in need of someone to fill the roll of Identity Officer to help solidify the look of our Regiment logos and to make sure we all are on the same page. Fortunately for the community, Robert, aka Asgardianhammer has stepped up to the plate and offered his knowledge, experience and service in this area. Please join me in welcoming him to what will be no small task, but one that will help so many of us going forward!

RCOs should see more from us in the coming days in regard to finalizing logos and working on getting each of you an Identity Guideline, much like the Division Guidelines.
Thank you Art! I am very excited to officially serve the entire 405th community as its Division Identity Officer (DIO). I have been very excited to see all of the activity and discussions surrounding all of the Regiment logos. There are so many engaged individuals on the 405th that are very excited to see their Regiments coming together and how they will be represented to the rest of the community.

As Art said we have much work to do to get all cleaned, final versions into style guides and we will be getting with all of our RCOs to make this happen as quickly as possible. I have been compiling a master document with what assets I have and found already and there is more to come. So I wanted to give an early thank you to all, for the support and enthusiasm I know I am sure to receive. Please bear with us as we make this happen.
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Wait wait. Let me get this right... you outlined to us the design principles our logos will require months ago, told us to get along with it and didn't interfere, and now you're saying 'actually we're going to tell you to alter things if we don't like them'?

Forgive me for saying that this sounds pretty counter-intuitive. Each Regiment has devoted considerable time into getting their own logo designed and finalised - I can't help but feel that this is going to be a major kick in the teeth to some people when they find out that all of their hard work is going to be held under the spotlight and scrutinised, especially when, as far as I'm aware, each logo fits in with the proposed theme the 405th has set out.
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I don't believe he's saying they're going to mess with the designs. He's saying they're going to put together formal guides (think the sheets with the 405th Division assets) so they can be officially distributed.
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Though I still reserve the right to grumble.


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Also, I mean, Art owns the 405th Name/Logo/Brand, right? As the owner of the Brand I feel he is well within his rights to make sure that Brand is used and represented in a consistent manner that fits within the scope and style that he, as owner, deems appropriate, and to have the final say in that use.

This really isn't much different from when the previous owners of the 405th would not allow the logo to be used without getting official permission first.
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Guys I thank everyone for the welcome and well wishes. I promise I care as much for Halo lore as the rest of you. I promise to do my very utmost to respect everyone in this forum and serve in a capacity that reflects our love for what brought us together in the first place. My goal is to help make us all look ready for an inspection by Lord Hood himself!
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So, several people have asked that I clarify this... although, between Asgardianhammer, Cadet, and Trooper0621 I think much of what I would say has been covered.

Not to put too blunt a point on it, but we DO own this name and brand and it is very important to us that we protect the brand because we believe the identity means something to the community. With that in mind we absolutely reserve the right to approve or disapprove Regiment branding, especially in regarding to the identity as a whole. What does this mean in a broad sense? It means, we want to look at and approve all Regiment related imagery and if needed, we want to address any graphical concerns associated with them. We have zero interest in micro-managing these identities, but at the same time, we have a responsibility to the community as a whole that the Regiment logos are professional and fit into the overall direction of the community.

What does this mean practically? It means we might make small technical tweaks to the submitted logos if needed or may request certain elements be used or not be used, but those are things we will work out directly with each RCO. But honestly... most of the logos will simply be vectorized with little to no change and we will all move on with no issue.
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Asgardianhammer Welcome to the madhouse. I look forward to working with you, and appreciate that you are stepping up to help all of us.

This is just one more step in us all getting things looking cleaner, meaner, and making us a much stronger unit as a whole.
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Not to put too fine a point on things, but I've been a spectator in a few Regimental Logo threads across the forums now, and rather than observe these without being able to defend my fellows within the forum, I think it's going to be worth bringing the discussion to a hub rather than spreading it out across the forum.

I've been seeing a few new logos popping up, and I'm also seeing a few people feeling quite unhappy about how they've been omitted from the design process of these logos. While I understand that some work may have been needed to bring some logos to compliance, I'm beginning to see that a little more than 'tweaking' has been done to the majority of these logos - in some cases, flat-out redesigns. I, for one, am incredibly insulted that work that defines the identity of an entire branch of this community, was done in what amounts to closed doors. The design process for the heraldry for each Regiment was, as I'd been led to believe, meant to be an open effort where all constituent members were able to consult on the design and find something that satisfied the entire group, rather than sending off to a designer to have something done.

Masterchief0624, you've learned exactly nothing from the last time we knocked heads, and I'm extremely disappointed in you. I'd hoped that, after our last discussion, you'd realised exactly how necessary involving the community in something as important as defining their identity is. Two or three members do not speak for the majority of a Regiment - regardless of whether or not those members staff the group, defining the identity of that group should be a process of committee, not of dictation. The initial designs were drawn up by the communities - I'm incredibly disappointed to see that you've taken to running the show rather than involving those communities and engaging them in the design process to finalise a design that everybody can be happy with. I'm not surprised to see that the Southern Regimental logo has changed entirely to something more akin to the design you personally preferred.

I'd taken some reassurance from Art Andrews that the designs contributed by the separate Regimental communities wouldn't be extensively modified without just cause, and that any design alterations would be vetted by those communities as a whole. I'm beginning to see how my faith was misplaced, and I can honestly say I'm extremely disappointed in the staff for what's happened here.

I won't say much more, since I don't want this to devolve into pointless bickering - no doubt there'll be some thin justification for all of this - but it's worth noting, for future reference, just how much disappointment I'm feeling right for the way things have panned out. I don't hold Asgardianhammer responsible for this - I'm sure the work is of an excellent standard, and that the designs are very well thought out - this one's on the staff that decided to run the show without the involvement of the Regiments involved.

Our motto has always been Honour, Armour, Community. Start acting like it.
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"Honor, Armor, Unity", but yeah, I definitely have to agree with everything Chernobyl says.

At one end, I'm glad someone came along and finished our Southwest logo, I mean, I presented a pretty rough looking draft and didn't have time to make a final version, but at the other end of things, I definitely would have preferred if our logos were all made by a 405th member, even if they were all by the same person.
I know that the regiment leaders were contacted to view the logos ahead of time before they were made official, but it still would have been nice to ask the regiments as a whole.

In the end, all I can say is that if a regiment overwhelmingly dislikes their logo, don't bother with the "Official" one, use your own design and who cares if it is "Unofficial", the more it gets backed by other members and engraved into the identity of the regiment, the more official it will be.
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I definitely would have preferred if our logos were all made by a 405th member, even if they were all by the same person.

Ummm... that is EXACTLY what happened. Asgardianhammer, the 405th DIO was the lead designer for ALL of these logos. He was assisted by everandoak who was the person responsible for our primarily identity redesign.

In the end, all I can say is that if a regiment overwhelmingly dislikes their logo, don't bother with the "Official" one, use your own design and who cares if it is "Unofficial", the more it gets backed by other members and engraved into the identity of the regiment, the more official it will be.

To save yourself future frustration and disappointment, I am going to suggest that you do not take that approach. As I have said to others, no one is going to try to force you to wear anything you do not want to wear, but at the same time, we won't recognize other logos or allow logos bearing the 405th name that aren't our own.
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I personally think Asgardianhammer did a good job, but I do prefer some of the ones we voted for ages ago, either way they are alright.
If the emblem of your regiment is such a problem for some people then don't wear it, wear the default 405th logo. I mean if I were to be seen at a con In Australia with that logo on my armour it would be assumed that I was in the Australian regiment, not to mention the fact that they would already know me.
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1. I'm glad that these starter regiment logos were introduced so that we have something official to use for the time being.
2. I'm glad that they were designed by our DIO, showing that the role was put to good use and the designs came from within.
3. I will follow the guidelines of using the official division or regiment logos for the time being, and not use unofficial or legacy emblems.
4. I highly encourage the DIO to work with the regiments to fine tune their internal designs, bring them up to DIO standards, and implement them along side or in place of these starter logos. You will have a happier community if you cooperate with them and help them generate logos they can agree on.

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