405th Midwest Official Instagram


Division PR and RCO
Division Staff
405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
Hello everyone! I am happy to announce we have begun rolling out the Midwest's Instagram for all of our members to enjoy and benefit from! With that being said, here is a basic rundown of the gram's planned operation pattern going forward in 2020.

Each day, whenever possible, we will aim to promote a maximum of two posts on our story to show off your guys' work, bring attention to you or a topic, or generally whatever you see fit while following the Mantle and Code of Conduct. How will we achieve this? Here is how!

  1. Make a post! Show off your armor, or WIP, or whatever you may desire!
  2. Once you have completed your post. Please tag @405th_midwest on Instagram in your hashtags.
  3. Armor not made by you? Photography, not your personal work? No sweat! We will leave it up to you and your colleague's discretion as to being tagged alongside your promoted content. The team will always prefer to do so as to boost and uplift our community.
Our goal is to uplift and promote our section of the larger community, and what better way to start the year than to start where the magic happens, which is within all of YOU! We also plan to instate certain days as certain themes for actual posts:

  • Sunday: VACANT
  • Monday: Meet-a-Member Monday
  • Tuesday: ODSTuesday
  • Wednesday: Workshop Wednesday
  • Thursday: Throwback Thursday
  • Friday: VACANT
  • Saturday: Spotlight Saturday
Have an idea for a vacant day? Leave it down in the comments and the team would be happy to discuss them with you! Otherwise, we are also entirely open to feedback from you all on the page. This will not be the only media we get up and running this month, (I'm looking at YOU, Twitter.) but we are excited to start where we know photos are the name of the game for many of you.
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How about Throwback Thursday? Share a photo of your first build versus your latest so people can see how far youve come!
Second this! though you might have to go digging or ask people specifically for these photos then but thats easy enough i'd say
Love the Throwback Thursday idea. Maybe not necessarily first build vs latest in the long run, but maybe just early build(s) vs latest.

Trying to come up with something for Friday, but Tutorial Tuesday came to mind. Not sure if there's enough content that we could somehow have mini-tutorials on IG.
Love the Throwback Thursday idea. Maybe not necessarily first build vs latest in the long run, but maybe just early build(s) vs latest.

Trying to come up with something for Friday, but Tutorial Tuesday came to mind. Not sure if there's enough content that we could somehow have mini-tutorials on IG.
I like the idea of tutorial tuesdays as well but maybe every other week? I feel if its every week we could run out ideas for content rather quickly
Love the Throwback Thursday idea. Maybe not necessarily first build vs latest in the long run, but maybe just early build(s) vs latest.

Trying to come up with something for Friday, but Tutorial Tuesday came to mind. Not sure if there's enough content that we could somehow have mini-tutorials on IG.
I did a mini one for my odst visor that a few people seemed to enjoy I like that idea. Though in the long run I think tutorials will only provide so many posts haha.
Also we could do Future Fridays, whether it be upcoming events or just future soldier pictures lol.
yep Spidermonkey60 you hit it with every other or longer would be smart.
I did a mini one for my odst visor that a few people seemed to enjoy I like that idea. Though in the long run I think tutorials will only provide so many posts haha.
Also we could do Future Fridays, whether it be upcoming events or just future soldier pictures lol.
yep Spidermonkey60 you hit it with every other or longer would be smart.
Huge fan of the future events, we could highlight cons and events coming up in our region (we could actually do this like twice a week) to allow people to plan ahead or learn about outings we are planning on going to!
Alright. I love ODSTuesday due to the massive ODST rep we have throughout our region, (We may in current standing actually outnumber our Spartan counterparts!).

As for Throwback Thursday, it would be perfect! I will add it into the current line up and kick it off starting tomorrow with my personal build.. unless any of you would be interested in that slot?
As for Throwback Thursday, it would be perfect! I will add it into the current line up and kick it off starting tomorrow with my personal build.. unless any of you would be interested in that slot?

I have pretty good "Glow Up" comparison pics from 2007 to now, but I'd have to dig a bit for the pictures, so I'll volunteer as tribute for Next Week.
I have pretty good "Glow Up" comparison from 2007 to now, but I'd have to dig a bit for the pictures, so I'll volunteer as tribute for Next Week.
Perfect! As for getting my hands on these photos in the future you are all welcome to DM the Instagram directly, or me to get them to me. I will then categorize and upload accordingly!
Excellent! Send me your preferred photo for showcase and I'll post you starting next week!
This is gonna be awesome! What about Spartan Sunday since we have ODSTuesday?
I was considering that! I may run this for the first month and if we need more content to be added, I will most likely throw it in the mix! I know having breather days will be very important but having Cadet and Spidermonkey60 help to make sure posts go out consistently does help lighten the load.
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