405th VRChat Game Night


Member DIN
405th VRchat game night
Game: VRChat
When: Reoccouring [To be updated, stay tuned]
Prerequisites: Have a 405th account
How to join: Contact KaeSpoon on the 405th forums or Discord


Join the 405th community in some VR shenanigans! We play games, hang out, and occasionally stand around and stare at ourselves in a mirror. A VR headset is not required to join in on the fun, as long as your computer can handle "Desktop Mode" in VRChat. (Computer requirements can be found HERE.)

Rules and regulations:
•Participants must abide by the rules in the "405th Costuming Club Mantle" (read HERE) and "405th Event FAQ" (read HERE) during the event.
•The 405th is a 13+ community, behavior will be respectful and within "PG 13" guidelines.
•All participants must be at least "Type A - Recruit Membership (New Members)" in the 405th.
•Agree to VRChat's Terms-Of-Service (read HERE) as VRChat is not rated by the ESRB.
•Avatars must be safe for work, with no nudity or suggestive content, no hate speech or symbols, and no crasher/lagger avatars.
•Avatar "performance ranks" for PC-based headsets must be in between "Excellent" to "Poor", "Very Poor" avatars will not be allowed, and you will be asked to change. It is recommended to have a Quest-compatible avatar for those who can only use standalone headsets. Please reach out to me if you need assistance finding an avatar. (Avatar rating system can be found HERE)
•The game night ends when the host leaves the instance; any interactions not under KaeSpoon's (or another host's supervision) will not be considered part of the 405th game night.
•Additional rules may be added at any time or as seen fit.

Meetup times will be posted on this thread.


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Hello folks! Our first 405th VR meetup will be held on 05/17/2024 at 8:00pm CST.
To attend this upcoming event, please;
-Review general game night rules here
-Send me a friend request on VRChat
-Send me a private message either on the forums or Discord so I can add you to the attendance list.

Feel free to reach out to me with any additional questions or concerns, I hope to see you there!
Sounds like fun! I think I work on the 17th, but I'll have to see if I can't sneak in one of these nights!
Hello folks, I hear you are interested in when the next game night may be held. With your help, we can find out!
Please fill out this Google spreadsheet with dates and times you are available during your weekends, it would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards, see you soon!
Hello folks, I hear you are interested in when the next game night may be held. With your help, we can find out!
Please fill out this Google spreadsheet with dates and times you are available during your weekends, it would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards, see you soon!
Until I have a job, I'm available every day. I do prefer Fridays and Saturdays in the evening.
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