60 Days To Halloween! Wip

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i love the little skull/cupcake! Sophie looks like she is ready to kick some butt. Time is ticking, hope you finish in time. Good luck, they are looking great so far.
First of all i love the pink armor ,second all the little boys are gonna be hating your girl this halloween which is awesome (Girls Rule bwhaha!) also there is something quite satisfying amount mini armor .If you got to the dollar store you can get some booklights for helmet instead of L.E.D.s & for the visor you can use a tinted replacement face shield (Harborfriehght tools has them ) they are realy easy to cut with scissors & cost less than 5 bucks. It looks beautiful :)
O.k. I know this is a shameless Bump for my thread, but I'm just a proud Dad who wants to show off my hard work and my Little Master Chief! :)

Thanks for following my progress, for all the support and for all the kind words during the process. I just wanted to say that this community is awesome! No matter how many times I see the same posts addressing the same questions everyone is polite to point Noobs, like me, in the right direction. That says a lot about the caliber of people here regardless of individual demographics. YOU ALL ROCK!

SO shoot me a friend request if you would like to follow my next adventures... I think I am going to do and ODST and a Warhammer 40K Space Marin (both for myself!) Daddy needs to have some fun too!

Again thanks for all the fish and I'll see you all around the forums,


Jerry Witman


P.S. Consider this thread BUMP'D :p
I have to agree with everyone else, your daughter looks adorable in her costume! I bet she was the best dressed kid in her nieghborhood!
Don't be a killjoy. I was going to post to this too, because it's the awesomest thing I've ever seen. I totally need to pop a set out for my brother's kids... don't have any of my own.
This rocks!

i was looking at the pics then i realized it wasn't full sized and i was like SWEET!
Hey guys, Thanks for the kind words! It was a lot of fun building and it was rather easy too. The detail wasn't the greatest since it was my first attempt but the general idea was good enough to cause a pretty good scene while we went trick or treating.

You should check out my Son's Duck Taped Optimus Prime I built, it was pretty impressive too.

Oh and as a side note Pepping pieces this small was definatly challenging but if you take your time you should be fine. You will however lose detail in the bondo phase, because the detail is pretty small at this scale.

To a Mod ~ Necro'd Threads:

Does the necro rule really apply to finished WIPs? Because a finished WIP if done well could warrent a bump if others are learning from it and find it useful or appreciate it in turn bringing the benefits of a Good WIP back into the light for newbies to see. (not that my thread warrents this action or that the original poster should do the bumping)

And does necro really apply to a user's thread when that user is very active on the site and the likeliness of the original poster replying is very high?
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