60 Days To Halloween! Wip

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Ok, so I began my 60 day project a few days early but I'll write that off as prep and learning. Now it is less than 60 days to Halloween and I am attempting to make two full costumes for my kids.

Below are photos I will be updating during the process.

I have to say that the entire process was rather easy and I am more worried about time than I am worried about construction quality.

I am new to the entire process so my Peps aren't perfect and my fiber glassing and bondo techniques are less than Stellar.... However I am pretty good with painting, since I have been doing it for over 20 years.

So the plan is to construct all the parts to the best of my NOOBish ability and cover any mistakes with distressed painting techniques! Then when anyone says how horrible my construction was I will quickly retort, "I planned it this way the entire TIME, LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!" LOL

Let me know what you all think and wish me luck, this is going to be a big project and I would love all the support and ideas I can get.



Photos Aug. 29th

Photos Sept. 4th

Photos Sept. 7th

Photos Sept. 15th

I did a rough fit tonight and I am glad I did. Something I didn't account for in my scale... I should have remembered my lessons on Da Vinci! Here you go class, Art History lesson for the day... Prior to Da Vinci's paintings of "The Virgin Mother" Paintings of the Christ Child had been painted in 4:1 scale. Baby Jesus was always in proportion to the people around him only in 1/4 the size. He looked like a little man!

Then Da Vinci and other Renaissance painters started painting Baby Jesus in proper developmental scale of a real child.

In other words... I scaled my armor down to the proper proportions of a 39" adult instead of accounting for the real abnormal dimensions of a real child! Children usually have larger heads, hips and longer torsos and their arms and legs are usually thinner and longer than adult proportions.

Luckily, My leg pieces and arms are going to be O.k. (I will have to make a few adjustments by cutting the holes larger so she can get her hands in the costume.) I also have to make adjustments to the hip areas and the chest. The hips are too small. The Helm is already too far along to make changes but I hope once I get the chest finished the size won't look as large...

In any case check out Lil Miss Sophie... Daddy is so Proud!

Ok, I have finally recovered from a horrendous cold, and things have slowed down at work. Now I have time to post some Pics of my progress.

Oct 3

Photos Missing (will re-post shortly)

Things are looking good right now. I had a problem with the fiberglass cloth on the thigh pieces they are deformed I have to figure a way to correct this with out re-pepping them... This is a prime example why you should use cross braces on your peps to keep them generally squared up.

Oh well, My first attempt and of course I don't read instructions. Note to self read the instructions! :lol

For the rest of the pieces I just covered them in Resin and said the heck with the fiber cloth. This stiffened the pieces enough to hold the pieces firm while I put on the bondo. I have two coats of Bondo on the boots and will apply more to the other parts later tonight.

I am well on track to finish Sophie's suit for Halloween but I am afraid I may run out of time on my second costume. The good news is the second costume should be really easy to put together once I have some free time. Anyone have any of that?

Oct 18 09

O.k. I am slowly but surely moving on.

I now have all the pieces covered in resin and now I have to wait for them to dry. Then off to do a quick coat of bondo, some sanding and a coat of paint. I also found a roll of foam padding for half off at Michael's. Sign up for their email list and they will let you know when they are having 50% off sales on materials like fabric and foam.

This is the home stretch and I am going to be cutting it close these next two weeks.

Oct 18

Here is a second round of photos from this long day of work! :) This type of work is fun! SO would it be a long day of fun?

These photos give me more credit than I deserve. The Bondo job is half-arse... and there are divots and dents on all of the pieces. Much of the detail is lost under the bondo and my edges are crap. I am going to cover these mistakes with distressed painting techniques so these mistakes are easily hidden under the distressing so one might think it was made this way on purpose... Which it really is but not because I'm really good at making armor :)

My next suit is going to be much better because I have learned so much during this process. Much of which I am not even going to use to make my own suit.

Please, leave me a comment, ask me a question or just follow my progress. I would love to know what you think!

Oh and post some links to your WIPs so I can see how everyone you too are doing.

October 30th D-Day-Eve!!!

Here it is on complete(sort of) Mini Master Chief in Hot Pink, battle damaged paint to cover my shotty construction job!!!.

I have to take a few liberties with the construction. Early in the build it was point out that the legs were not going to fit properly, so I rebuilt them and then started thinking about why they don't fit. It turns out I forgot that children are not miniature people they are very dis-proportionate. And now every time I look at my kids I say WOW thier heads are huge! Because proportionally they are... Children are bobble heads!

So knowing that I had to trim and re-size the chest piece to make it fit properly. In the end it looks pretty decent. I am not going to use the hand parts and I am going to cheat for the final Halloween Assembly and I am going to Duck Tape the butt and the chest pieces to her. The reason for this is the chest and butt/cod pieces were made too small to keep proportions and in the end they look good put together but not feasible for long term use because they are not comfortable for my little Sophie.

They will work Taped to her for a few hours tomorrow and then I can start working on a better suit for her as I will have more time than just 60 days.

In the end this was a great experience. I have completed two full costumes in 60 days, granted they were not both MC as I had planned it but I figure it this way so long as I don't have a third year of Superman and Tinker Bell I'll make the kids what every they want! :)

The photos above are a bit blurry but tomorrow I plan on breaking out the good camera and getting some fun photos in the day light so you all can see the detail. SO I will post them later tomorrow night when the kids are bouncing off the walls from too much candy.

Thanks for following along the last 2 months and I can't wait to build my next suit!


Sophie and Daddy

If you would like to see the second costume I built check it out here:Optimus Prime (Duck Tape)
I myself am working on a project for halloween, But have holiday and other things to sort out.

Best of luck to you getting it done in time, And nice work on the helmet.
Very nice looking helmet! It looks extremely smooth. Hope to see some more pics of the armor...

Good luck with the rest of it!

Hey man I feel you, I myself am trying to finish my spartan costume for halloween, the thing is........ Im taking my sweet time. Im going to be cutting it close, but I think Ill be able to finish it by my deadline. :)
Altair651 said:
Hey man I feel you, I myself am trying to finish my spartan costume for halloween, the thing is........ Im taking my sweet time. Im going to be cutting it close, but I think Ill be able to finish it by my deadline. :)

I'd love to see photos of everyone's Halloween WIPs, post them here. You can be part of the 60 day club! :lol

I am going to update my first post with my progress so new readers can see everything coming together. But I'll try to reply to comments below the main thread!

Good luck!
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I've been making strong headway on the right side of the Armor. I tried to use a glue gun and burnt the crap out of myself. So I have to say that I prefer the Elmer's glue stick (Purple to clear) Glue stick may take some more time but I can really focus on setting all the pieces perfectly without the worry or the glue drying too fast or getting burned.

Glue Stick Tip of the day: Glue is meant to adhere to itself, so apply glue to both side of the piece. By the time you apply glue to the second side of the piece the first side will have had enough time to set giving you a strong quick bond!

This method is ideal for glue sticks... Once you have the pieces glued add some pressure by using some mini paper clamps. The pressure also helps the glue set tighter.


ROCK on! its looking great so far. What are your plans for the nerf gun on the table next to the helmet?

Sign me up for the 60 day club, I started a while ago but had to step away from it for a while, I only have a bit done so I may as well call it a 60 day project LOL.

I have a kids Helmet mold that I can make a copy for cheap. I mean really cheap if you need it. Send me a PM. I too have a small project this year, 5 sets of armor for my kids and nephewes. Time is ticking. Check out my old posts for some pics of the helmet. Good luck.
Aww chwbcc, this is great progress! I especially love the evil cupcake on the red helmet!

These are turning out really well for the low def files, it's impressive!

Good luck for getting this finished, I bet you'ree gonna have two proud and thrilled kids when the gear's all done! All the kids on the street will want a suit ahaa! :]

PM if I can help in any way, I've done bondo work and would love to offer advice if you need it! :]
Ok, Here's an update for everyone in the 60 day club!

I have been pepping like crazy! And then my son says he wants to be Optimus Prime!!! ARGHHH

So Sophie's Armor is half way finished Pepping. I have the full right side and torso pep'd. I had to give my fingers a rest the last two days but I should be starting the left side tonight The goal right now is to have the entire thing pep'd and ready for Fiberglass this weekend!

Ideally, I would like to have the suit pretty close to being finished by the ODST release but that is a long shot right now.

I am going to save the chest for last because it is such a large piece.

If you ladies and Gents have pics of your work post them up, We'd love to see them.

I should have more picks later in the week.

And the nerf gun is something I do on the side, Steampunk Pink Rocks! And my little spartan loves it!!! PM me if you'd like one, I do it for fun and they look really cool!

Aww, you said the magic words... Steampunk! that is awesome, one of my back burner side projects is to mod a USB missile launcher to a steam punk version.

Optimus prime is a tough one, i made a cheesy one 5-6 years ago. but if you decide to do it just get a construction helmet and cardboard. Unless he doesn't want Gen 1.

Good luck and keep us posted!
SwedishNinja said:
Aww, you said the magic words... Steampunk! that is awesome, one of my back burner side projects is to mod a USB missile launcher to a steam punk version.

Optimus prime is a tough one, i made a cheesy one 5-6 years ago. but if you decide to do it just get a construction helmet and cardboard. Unless he doesn't want Gen 1.

Good luck and keep us posted!

That's exactly what I'm making, the quality isn't going to be as good as y master chief but My son is going to tear it up, playing with it anyway so why commit the time! ;lol

I have recently fallen in love with the Steampunk 'Verse (a love that started with Firefly and has kind of taken over my artistic visions for the past few months. However, I have noticed a lack in the Fem-fatale Steampunk, so I have embraced what I like to call Steampunk Pink, it not bright pink but rather a watermelon pink mixed with ivory, copper, brass and browns. It's very feminine and yet still says, don't frak with me! :lol

Note to self... Steampunk Master Chief? :)
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chwbcc said:
I am new to the entire process so my Peps aren't perfect and my fiber glassing and bondo techniques are less than Stellar.... However I am pretty good with painting, since I have been doing it for over 20 years.

So the plan is to construct all the parts to the best of my NOOBish ability and cover any mistakes with distressed painting techniques! Then when anyone says how horrible my construction was I will quickly retort, "I planned it this way the entire TIME, LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!" LOL

You can fix a lot of evil with primer and paint in the proper proportions. :) Looks great so far!

As for the steampunk thing, I feel ya. I really like the aesthetic as well. I have a steampunk costume I did last year, but never put pics up here because it seemed out of place. Keep up the good work!
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