Naw man, It'd be like 30-40 for a respirator if you don't already have some, two packages of cardstock, 'bout 20 bucks, so that's already 50 minimum, a hot glue gun is about 5 bucks, glue sticks (enough for the whole suit) would probably be a good 15 dollars or so. Then you need fiberglass mats/cloths which will be 30-50 dollars for the whole inside suit, lot's of resin (multiple layers, lot's of area to resin), lots of hardener for the resin, we're at about 100 bucks now. Bondo (if you want to detail) would be like 25-30 for a whole suit I believe, then paint, lot's of paint. You'll need a first base layer, then you'll need to spray paint it with a green, several layers, then details with either an airbrush or paintbrush. Then you'll need the under armor, for a good looking, realistic (for a spartan) underarmor set, it'd be about 80 bucks, gloves, another 20, boots, 70-120, any electronics you might want for the LEDs ect. About 15 bucks, then a good visor, 60-70 bucks. So you're looking at about 350-400 give or take 30 bucks. I over estimated a little at first.