A Way to Access Halo 5: Forge's Models

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New Member
I found Halo 5: Forge's Models on internet. I tought it will be cool if we use models of them to actually make templates for our new Halo 5 armors. I know new and old achive has lots of armor and weapon templates but just think of it every Halo 5 armor! So I started to try and find a way to open these files. I find something called "Hex2Obj" (basicly it transforms .model file to .obj file so we can open and work with it in any 3D Design program) but my English couldn't help me to understand that. So I think some of you maybe can make it truly and we all can started building any Halo 5 armor. Are there someone who can help me in this journey? Just PM guys, I'll send you the link.
If you're talking about ripping game resource files as I think you are, know that :
1) inherently, it's considered reverse engineering of copyrighted material, hence not legal. Although not all companies enforce this within the full extend of their posibilities it's still very much a shady, twilight type of thing.
2) it has already been done by a large extend by people who put in long hours to make it happen because .....
3) it's not as clean-cut as you'd think. There's a lot of work involved to get clean models out of gamedata this way, and much of it is a question of "poking and prodding" for days, weeks and months even before something usable comes forth from it.
4) there's specific sites that discuss these type of things. 405th.com isn't one of them. And most of them aren't really "friendly places" to hang out in either. (understatement). Facepunch, Xentax to name a few.

Kindest Greetings,
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I found Halo 5: Forge's Models on internet. I tought it will be cool if we use models of them to actually make templates for our new Halo 5 armors. I know new and old achive has lots of armor and weapon templates but just think of it every Halo 5 armor! So I started to try and find a way to open these files. I find something called "Hex2Obj" (basicly it transforms .model file to .obj file so we can open and work with it in any 3D Design program) but my English couldn't help me to understand that. So I think some of you maybe can make it truly and we all can started building any Halo 5 armor. Are there someone who can help me in this journey? Just PM guys, I'll send you the link.

We don't have the Halo 5 game assets back up yet, but will!
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