Agent Texas

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Member DIN
So I decided to pick up AdenS's kit that he had for sale a few weeks ago and I finally got it in the mail. I love the kit, however there are a few parts that I am going to rebuild. I have decided that this kit will be Agent Texas. A because she makes an appearance while they were still using Halo CE and B she's awesome

The parts that I am rebuilding are:

For the Helmet I picked up one of the Hot Topic ones, and have repainted it since. I will eventually be making a CE helmet, I just don't have time right now.

Enough talking pic time!
Grrooowwwllll. "You run Agent Texas, We are the Meta. And we will find you, very soon."

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Some more RVB fans. I hope this works out for You :)


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Caboose "so that guy Tex is really a robot and your his boyfriend? so that makes you... a gay robot." Church "yes i'm a gay robot."
lets just skip the whole impaling of the face thing and go with the kicking grif in the groan a few more time. man I miss that. "protect me cone."
lets just skip the whole impaling of the face thing and go with the kicking grif in the groan a few more time. man I miss that. "protect me cone."
How bout not. Just stick with Texas getting impaled in the face. That was awesome! I had to rewind that part so many times! :) AGENT MAINE!!!

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So you mentioned that you got a kit. What did the kit include, how does it work?
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So you mentioned that you got a kit. What did the kit include, how does it work?

I bought his costume, it included 90% of what I needed, it was a one time deal. The only things I didn't get were the hands, which I have promptly made.

I was able to get the majority of the chest and back cut out, as well as the second boot.
now you just need someone in a blue suit at a con to throw a 343 guilty spark at your head and blam you get to go on a man hunt for church.
I have a pistol, knife and smg ImageUploadedByTapatalk1445623108.972503.jpg
Back and chest are almost done. Should have them done this afternoon
Very nice!

Tex is my favorite character in the RVB series as well and it's nice to see that people still build the classic CE armor!

I made Tex a few years back in the H3 armor set but it's long since retired. I hope to build another one some day!


Good luck on your build!


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