Am I Able To Fix Building Mistakes?

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New Member
My recon helmet is unbalanced because I didn't do the mountain and valley folds right during gluing together so should I go and redo it or is there a way to fix it?

Looks very warped... But its hard to say from those pictures. First off, did you use cardstock or ordinary paper? Ordinary paper will warp basically no matter what you do to it when you get to the resin stage. Also, making mistages is how you learn ;) Never be afraid to print out and start again. Good luck!
First off, you have the most epic name on the forums XD
But on to the helmet, it depends how much work you're willing to do. It would be more work to try to fix what you have now, mixing valley and mountain folds is a hard one to correct. If it were mine, Id probably redo it, especially if you think you folded some of the bigger pieces wrong.
thats the recon helmet? o_O

anyway, if I had made a mistake, i would choose to rebuilt it completely, and chalk it up to experience. No harm done in learning through your mistakes.
hmmm, ive been doing both mountain and valley folds on every fold on my armor and so far its come out beautifully.

the only thing i can say is the quick cooling of the hot glue on the armor means ya have to work quickly but carefully to get them to stay together in the exact positions ya want them, ya just gotta stand the burn.
Really, mistakes like that can only be fixed by redoing the entire thing. The only problems you can fix with the pepping is small rips, but in my opinion, redoing it would save more time than fixing it.
ya Im going with the rest of them and saying to redo it but use superglue and then it wont burn and it holds tgether the best i found. Also keep the last modle and take pics of the new one and the old one to show people on here that number one mastakes can happen number 2 that it is ok to start over and number 3 what not to do or what to be carfull of what you are doing.
What they all said. I'd redo it. I just finished a MkVI Mjolnir helmet and stuffed up just one valley fold and it was hellish to fix, and I used a craft glue this time, not the hot glue I normally use. Hot glue, once set is pointless trying to fix.

Another thing, next time you print it out, I'd consider scaling up a bit. From the pic, it looks like your head is crammed in. Don't forget you really want some room to maneuver since once you resin/fibreglass it (if you go that far) it'll be rigid and won't be able to give to allow your head in. You also need to consider padding/cooling etc. inside the helmet.

Just my two cents. :)
I don't know how to scale and Ive had a very hard time reading some of the tutorials. I'm just going to do a h3 MC helmet then go back to recon before the ODST launch.

Its ok anyway It took only 12 hours to assemble that helmet. And I'm not using that model next time way to many small pieces.

It was my 1st helmet.
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