so here is my Anti-Material Rifle from Ex-Machina
probably should have used one of the smaller images
this was my 1st pep,.. so the unfolding probably isnt the best, but I have made it from these plans
if anyone feels like re-unfolding it go for it,.. just drop me a line
I also have some of shirows other weapon designs modeled some need to be tweaked a bit more and If theres
interest I'll send it to some unfolders
oh and sometime in the next few days I'll get those Briareos Photos taken
and here's those PDO's
My stuff

probably should have used one of the smaller images
this was my 1st pep,.. so the unfolding probably isnt the best, but I have made it from these plans
if anyone feels like re-unfolding it go for it,.. just drop me a line
I also have some of shirows other weapon designs modeled some need to be tweaked a bit more and If theres
interest I'll send it to some unfolders
oh and sometime in the next few days I'll get those Briareos Photos taken
and here's those PDO's
My stuff