Arrr Matey's Today Be A Wonderful Day

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Jr Member
At least accordin' to me clock, it be! Join me in celebratin' the best day o' the year!

Start by enjoyin' this fine song by th' bard Tom Smith that be th' official song fer today!


And for those of yeh who be liking Scottish Metal Pirate Music...

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Yarr, I knew that there be a day like this, but I be forgetting exactly when.

Thankee for reminding me matey!


This be a good time fer a pirate joke:

A pirate walks into a bar. The bartender notices he has a steering wheel sticking out of his trousers and asks, “Hey, buddy, doesn’t that thing hurt?”

“Yarrrr!" the pirate replies,"It’s drivin’ me nuts!”

Be that to risque fer ther likes of yer, I will gert rid o' it. Arrr!
Arr Matey's!!!

Grab your swords and be gettin' your guns. We will be taking some ships tonight!!

-Long-haired The Pony (kinda like ol' blackbeard the pirate)
Arr. I talked talked like this all day yesterday mateys. I walked around and asked everybody why they weren't talken like a swashbuckling scurvy sea dog! Arr!!!!
ImaGonnaGetYou said:
Hey, look! A download of Photoshop! Better download it before it's taken down by the mods

am i doin it rite?

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