ok iv been thinkin and i came up with this. a silver visor and ether gold, silver, steel, black or maby wite armor color would look out of the halo world awsome. plz relpy with wat u think thx.
ok well maby take a gold and silver visor and mixx it up a bit u know in sted of gold and gold gold and silver or silver and gold?as for color i never sed blue. i just sed wat i thot wich isnt blue.
ok well maby take a gold and silver visor and mixx it up a bit u know in sted of gold and gold gold and silver or silver and gold?as for color i never sed blue. i just sed wat i thot wich isnt blue.
woah there! Slow down and type your words out and spell. It's hard having to read a post like four times to get what you're trying to say. At least use punctuation or something.