Odst Visor Help


New Member
So ive had this helmet 3d printed for a while and i wanted some tips on how to make my visor to look better any tips?
Visors can be tricky to do. The ODST visors are especially difficult because of their unique geometry. It looks like you have made your visor by cutting and reattaching pieces of an already existing visor, but the effect isn't quite complete because of the noticeable seams. There's a few things you try:

Personally, I am a fan of the look of vacuum formed visors. If you want to see how I do my visors, I have a tutorial here on the 405th:

If you don't want to go through the trouble of vacuum forming a visor, there are other visor methods in the tutorial section that are worth checking out:
Visors can be tricky to do. The ODST visors are especially difficult because of their unique geometry. It looks like you have made your visor by cutting and reattaching pieces of an already existing visor, but the effect isn't quite complete because of the noticeable seams. There's a few things you try:

Personally, I am a fan of the look of vacuum formed visors. If you want to see how I do my visors, I have a tutorial here on the 405th:

If you don't want to go through the trouble of vacuum forming a visor, there are other visor methods in the tutorial section that are worth checking out:
So I was thinking of vacuum forming the visor but i currently don’t have a way to vacuum form it so im gonna see if i can get my hands on one
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