Brute Chopper

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New Member
I saw that someone was planning on making a ridable ghost, and that got me thinking...what about a brute chopper? Right now my idea is to take a bicycle and just mod it to look like a chopper. (i.e. weld a huge bladed chassis to the front) and encase the bake wheel enought that it is well hidden. Or something like that. Any and all other ideas to how this can work would be greatly appreciated. Maybe some ref pics too...
I don't know if this helps, but one is a columbia pro mountain and the other (which i'm thinking is the one I'll be using) is a columbia Patriot. Also, I looked at some pictures of the chopper, and I think it might be hard getting the chassis to encase the front tire/front end right that I can still turn/steer. Any thoughts/ideas?

Sorry I haven't replayed in a while. I was busy with this ARG thing...
this would be awsome. great idea!!!! i wanna try this with a bike i got 4 $2 at a locale festival but how will the person sit that low and how might we hide that we are peddaling . but i hve a idea for how to make the engine sound if you run over a soda can it will stick to the wheal and rotate with the wheal till it hits the things that hold the wheal and it sounds exacly like a motercycle
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