Props Bullet Ejection System?

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Well, I've been thinking of a bullet ejection system. I'm making cardboard guns and this may be useful, i think this can be used to more than "Real life guns", Like halo guns!

Heres some pics to help you out!

Ill explain in detail!

This first one is of my rifle, when you have loaded all the bullets in the magazine, the spring gets cocked and hardened, then you insert it in your gun and cocks the rifle, then the bullet should eject! *Notice that the spring will pop the bullets up in the gun so you won't be having trouble with pushing the spring up the first time, you must keep the bullets pressed down before entering it to your gun!

Then im also going to show you my thinking of the pistol


So well, its the same Principe, you load the magazine, enter it to the gun, cocks the guns, and the bullet will fly out!
But I'm still thinking it over! The Pistol ejection system is still not finished and may NOT work right now!

Well i hope that someone will understand how i think! And this is not any tutorial or something on how to do it, this is just thoughts!

I need some constructive criticism!

Not to rain on your parade or anything, but what happens with the "bullet" casings after you eject them. You going to pick them all up after or just leave 'em where they lay? Seems kind of pointless unless you're going to reuse the casings.
this is just for some better "Detail" of the gun, it will maybe be much cooler, or maybe not. And yes, this will be a prop so i will be picking the bullets up again! And well, the bullet isn't going to eject from its shell, the whole bullet with shell is going to be ejected, like if the gun jams.
I don't think its going to work. Especially if you make it out of cardboard. The spring would be too weak, and if it was too strong it might not fit. too lazy to go in details or make sense right now.

But you can get the airsoft shell ejecting glock if you want.
Why are people always skeptical of good ideas?

People put pep down when it was first mentioned too.

I've seen this done before, it's not impossibe.
That would be pretty cool but, you were talking about Halo guns which would give you a slight problem. The pistol and the shot gun will work I can tell you that much but, the other ones might not.

The BR and the AR have their cartriges in the back. I don't see how the bullets will be coming out of the hole thing unless you make the bullets come out of the butt thing.

Just meh two gold coins ARRR!!!

-Pony (y) (y) (y)
I say, you should start with the Sniper rifle. Its big which will ease making smaller parts and also the magazine only holds 4 rounds anyways.
xalener said:
Why are people always skeptical of good ideas?

People put pep down when it was first mentioned too.

I've seen this done before, it's not impossibe.

Because a real gun closes right after its opened. Even if the slide is open on a real gun it won't fire. With his design, the shell ejects only because the slide is open.

I guess technically it might be possible but still.

If he has the slide open for more time than it takes to get one shell out then it releases several. On his magazine design I'm pretty sure theres nothing preventing the "bullets" from staying in the magazine.

I truly hope I'm making sense. But probably not.
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S1l3nt V1p3r said:
How about a Bolt Action design?
Unless someone can prove me wrong, a bolt action would be the same, and probably worse because the bolt would be open for longer as it would be manual. Unless you created the ejection system farther away from the magazine, which would be unproportional to a real gun, but it could work.

I was looking over your stuff and it seems it could possibly work, but it's not a real gun so the slide wouldn't open after you "fire". So pretty much you would have to cock the slide back to have the shell eject is what you're saying?

What could maybe work is if you made a double action trigger system where when you pull the gun back, (instead of cocking the gun) it would actually move the slide back. I'll try and make pictures. But I just don't think cardboard would be strong enough. But maybe. Let me think of more idiocy.

possible? might be confusing.
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Spartan117x said:
Unless someone can prove me wrong, a bolt action would be the same, and probably worse because the bolt would be open for longer as it would be manual. Unless you created the ejection system farther away from the magazine, which would be unproportional to a real gun, but it could work.
I was looking over your stuff and it seems it could possibly work, but it's not a real gun so the slide wouldn't open after you "fire". So pretty much you would have to cock the slide back to have the shell eject is what you're saying?
What could maybe work is if you made a double action trigger system where when you pull the gun back, (instead of cocking the gun) it would actually move the slide back. I'll try and make pictures. But I just don't think cardboard would be strong enough. But maybe. Let me think of more idiocy.

possible? might be confusing.

This could maybe be made, i can try to make it, but i need some springs! I'll post an update when Ive done anything on it!
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