Bungie Gets Recon Helmet Gift?

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As cool as it is, this act almost seems like a desperate attempt to get ingame recon from Bungie. I'm sure "somehow" his gamertag made it into a letter he sent regarding the helmets. *sigh*

no stalking bungie. We don't want the 405th seen as that. (Jerome will kill you too).
I don't want to stalk them, and I don't want Recon or anything, I don't even have a 360. I just thought that someone there might to enjoy a scholarly analysis of Halo: Combat Evolved through the lens of classic mythology. *Shurg*
Jason 'Biff' H said:
but the detail is like nothing I've ever seen. My gut reaction says rube.. it seems to have the same type of detailing found in the ODST helm.

Nope, not me. But thanks for the compliment.
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Well, it was only a matter of time until a anonymous guest came along and used our files and showed us up. The files at the 405th Wikia are public, and renown around the internet. There's plenty of hardcore costume and prop builders that use this site a s a resource, but aren't inclined to join us as members.

To all of you guests who just thought "oh, he's talking about me" when you just read that, we welcome your input and involvement, why not become a member and contribute a little yourself? Come on in, the water's fine! :D
That's not a pep-based build. None of the Recon models we have online look anything like that - compare to Belakor's original Recon and tell me I'm wrong, because that's the Recon version we have on the Wiki.

And I seem to recall a few pages back y'all saying it looks nothing like Belakor's work, so.. allow me:





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I think we all know it isn't Belakor's helmet, nobody implied that again since page 1. But I wouldn't assume that the mystery helmet isn't pepakura based solely due to how Belakor finished his helmet. There's a lot of variation possible working from the same models, example:



Those two helmets were pep based, from the same model.. some people add more detail and curves, some people put their bondo on thick and grind their way back down to hone their shapes... the possibilities are endless. You cannot say that the mystery helmet isn't Pep based just by looking at it.. unless you made it yourself, or know first hand who did you don't have enough information to prove anything.

BTW, I think the mystery helmet looks more like the pep model than Belakors first helmet... probably why Belakor kept improving his helmet beyond the image you're citing:



Belakor's first helmet IS the pep file you just posted. There's no physical way you can get from the original base file shape to the one Bungie received - trust me, I've built that sucker five times (failed attempts for the win) and I can tell you quite easily the variations that give rise to proof that this helm isn't pep-based:

- Top crest is too high
- Helm overall isn't as wide as the pep file would give for that height
- Side crests are nowhere near as defined as on the pep file
- Jawline and chin is far too pronounced even with bondo work
- Ear-guards are too far back on the finished piece as to what they'd be on the pep file
- Noseguard is far too curved and set back into the facial area
- Crest curvature differs significantly from the pep file

This is either a scratch-build or, dare I say it, a re-working of the pep file we have in the Wiki currently. hence why I posted the helm belakor made - even with the improvements he made to his helm later on, you generally would never get this level of variation from the base file on a Pepakura build.
I'm going to have to agree with Crucible on this one. There is far too much difference between the pep file and the helmet Bungie received for it to be from the file we have in the wiki. It may be edited or a scratch build altogether, but not from the same file.
you generally would never get this level of variation from the base file on a Pepakura build.

Okay... then cite your source for that statement, because you don't have any proof, only your opinion. I don't happen to agree.

This helmet:


and this helmet:


both came from this file:

Do they all look exactly alike?

Pepakura is a process, not a destination. It is the base that you build overtop of. Any end result is possible.

And unless either of you have first hand evidence of how the mystery helmet was made, we're all just speculating. Show me your evidence, and then we'll have something.
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If I may say something on the debate on it being pep..... It may not be belakors recon helm pep but that does not mean it is not a pep file someone created and did not release. The guy/girl that made that helm may have done a pep base. I know of Members that do custom pep and sell it so it is not as widespread as others.

Well.. I havent been posting that much latley.. I've been working on a secret project..

Im going to come clean here..

This Recon helmet..

I'snt mine :lol:

We still dont have any tab's on who made this?.. Come one! This is the internet.. The persons name is out there somewhere keep searching.. :)
Sean Bradley said:
I'm gonna go resin a recon helmet and bondo it until it's a ODST.. BRB.
HAHA! nice one sean.

Peter raises a good point, it could be WETA's work....
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Ithica said:
If I may say something on the debate on it being pep..... It may not be belakors recon helm pep but that does not mean it is not a pep file someone created and did not release. The guy/girl that made that helm may have done a pep base. I know of Members that do custom pep and sell it so it is not as widespread as others.



Crucible said:
This is either a scratch-build or, dare I say it, a re-working of the pep file we have in the Wiki currently.

Sean Bradley said:
I'm gonna go resin a recon helmet and bondo it until it's a ODST.. BRB.

Sarcasm doesn't become you. Get a spoon, start chewing.

Sean Bradley said:
Pepakura is a process, not a destination. It is the base that you build overtop of. Any end result is possible.
And unless either of you have first hand evidence of how the mystery helmet was made, we're all just speculating. Show me your evidence, and then we'll have something.

I'm speculating with some logic, based on experience with the Recon file itself. It's simply not possible to achieve the dimensions seen in the helms Bungie recieved using any Recon file currently on offer to the 405th - hence my statement which, for those of you in the audience sitting back, picking your noses and not paying attention, I will summarily quote AGAIN:

Crucible said:
This is either a scratch-build or, dare I say it, a re-working of the pep file we have in the Wiki currently.

I don't give a hoot who made the file and, to be honest, I don't really care about the helms themselves. But, my $0.02 for all the high-and-mighties out there is: not a pep file, or not a pep file we know of.
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