Okay so my helm is semi-warped, have not resined, or even finished putting all the pep together, it looks like this (look at the visor, twards the right)
I was thinking, since i can bend it into shape no problem, if i put something stiff in there then resined and possibly glassed would this work? but i would need to do that before putting it together with the rest of the helm, can I resin and maybe glass a small part before I put it on the rest of the helm? ( i wouldnt resin/glass anywhere near the edges/seams)
I was thinking, since i can bend it into shape no problem, if i put something stiff in there then resined and possibly glassed would this work? but i would need to do that before putting it together with the rest of the helm, can I resin and maybe glass a small part before I put it on the rest of the helm? ( i wouldnt resin/glass anywhere near the edges/seams)